3.0 coldbox.cfc settings using dynamic variables

in the older versions of cb you could use ${appName} for example in
the declarations to configure your settings in one place

how would you accomplish this in 3.0?


    //LogBox DSL
    logBox = {
      // Register Appenders
      appenders = {
        MyAsycFile = {
      // Root Logger
      root = { levelmax="INFO", appenders="*" },
      // Implicit Level Categories
      info = [ "coldbox.system" ]

I would like to use ${appName} for the fileName

fileName=${appName} instead of fileName="RetailHub"

The CFC configuration acts just like a CFC. Set a variable "appname"
somewhere before it and pass it to the call.

something like

     myDynamicVars = {appName = "test"};


- Gabriel