6.3 application template with 6.2 core


locally I've updated to 2.6.3 and started a new application via the
new application template, however when I push it to my server that's
running 2.6.2 core I get the following error:

The config.xml file does not validate with the framework's schema. &
The error details are:
[Error] :85:53: cvc-enumeration-valid: Value 'ModelsObjectCaching' is
not facet-valid with respect to enumeration '[AppMapping, AppName,
ApplicationStartHandler, CustomErrorTemplate, CustomEmailBugReport,
ColdboxLogsLocation, ConfigAutoReload, DebugMode, DebugPassword,
DefaultEvent, EventName, ExceptionHandler, EnableBugReports,
EnableColdfusionLogging, EnableDumpVar, EnableColdboxLogging,
EventCaching, FlashURLPersistScope, HandlersIndexAutoReload,
HandlersExternalLocation, HandlerCaching, IOCFramework,
IOCDefinitionFile, IOCObjectCaching, MessageboxStyleOverride,
MyPluginsLocation, onInvalidEvent, OwnerEmail, ProxyReturnCollection,
RequestEndHandler, RequestStartHandler, RequestContextDecorator,
ReinitPassword, SessionStartHandler, SessionEndHandler,
UDFLibraryFile, ViewsExternalLocation, ModelsExternalLocation]'. It
must be a value from the enumeration. [Error] :85:53: cvc-attribute.3:
The value 'ModelsObjectCaching' of attribute 'name' on element
'Setting' is not valid with respect to its type, 'null'. [Error] :
101:53: cvc-enumeration-valid: Value 'IOCFrameworkReload' is not facet-
valid with respect to enumeration '[AppMapping, AppName,
ApplicationStartHandler, CustomErrorTemplate, CustomEmailBugReport,
ColdboxLogsLocation, ConfigAutoReload, DebugMode, DebugPassword,
DefaultEvent, EventName, ExceptionHandler, EnableBugReports,
EnableColdfusionLogging, EnableDumpVar, EnableColdboxLogging,
EventCaching, FlashURLPersistScope, HandlersIndexAutoReload,
HandlersExternalLocation, HandlerCaching, IOCFramework,
IOCDefinitionFile, IOCObjectCaching, MessageboxStyleOverride,
MyPluginsLocation, onInvalidEvent, OwnerEmail, ProxyReturnCollection,
RequestEndHandler, RequestStartHandler, RequestContextDecorator,
ReinitPassword, SessionStartHandler, SessionEndHandler,
UDFLibraryFile, ViewsExternalLocation, ModelsExternalLocation]'. It
must be a value from the enumeration. [Error] :101:53: cvc-attribute.
3: The value 'IOCFrameworkReload' of attribute 'name' on element
'Setting' is not valid with respect to its type, 'null'.

oh no!!? is 2.6.3 not backwards compatible?

any thoughts?


Two option for your issue.
1: Update ColdBox 2.6.3 on your server
2: Refactor framework and embed coldbox into your new App.


The new coldbox.xml in 2.6.3 includes newer elements that did not exist in 2.6.2 core. I suggest you follow what the error says and remove the setting as it won’t be used anyways.

Remove ModelsObjectCaching


I think backward compatible would mean that your 2.6.2 app would run on 2.6.3 core. Which it should. Not that a configuration file created for 2.6.3 would run in 2.6.2.

Otherwise, the expectation is that new coldbox apps will run on old versions of the core which isn’t that useful. Much better to have old coldbox apps run on new versions of the core.

  • Gabriel

ya have a point...

thanks guys. I'll go ahead and update the core on the server...