Adding Google Analytics Challenge

John, if you think you can stop the spam bots I would be all for listening to how you will stop them.

Andrew, this is code we have used in the past for reducing bot impact. Our main goal was to keep bots from creating sessions on the system but I am sure we could adapt the code to preventing them from showing up as “real users” in the statistics for site visitors. It might be good to keep them from gaining sessions also in ColdBox/ContentBox. (This is an adaptation originally presented by Michael Denowitz.)

<cfset REQUEST._api.wsdlRequest = false>
	<cfparam name="COOKIE.sessionScopeTested" type="numeric" default="0" />
	<cfparam name="COOKIE.hasSessionScope" type="numeric" default="0" />
	<cfparam name="COOKIE.error" type="numeric" default="0" />
		<cfset COOKIE.sessionScopeTested = 0 />
		<cfset COOKIE.hasSessionScope = 0 />
		<cfset COOKIE.error = 1 />
<cfif listLast(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME,".") EQ "cfc">
		<cfif structKeyExists(url,"wsdl")>
			<cfset REQUEST._api.wsdlRequest = true>
		// add logic later to deal with issues if any
strTempUserAgent = LCase( CGI.http_user_agent );

// Check user agent.
if (
		REQUEST._api.wsdlRequest OR
		(NOT Len(strTempUserAgent)) OR 
	//	(
	//		COOKIE.SessionScopeTested
	//		AND
	//		(NOT COOKIE.HasSessionScope)
	//	) OR
		// This will check for bots at large.
		REFind( "bot\b", strTempUserAgent ) OR 
		// This will try to get any RSS feed readers.
		REFind( "\brss", strTempUserAgent ) OR 
		Find( "slurp", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "mediapartners-google", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "zyborg", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "emonitor", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "jeeves", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "sbider", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "findlinks", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "yahooseeker", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "mmcrawler", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "jbrowser", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "java", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "pmafind", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "blogbeat", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "converacrawler", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "ocelli", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "labhoo", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "validator", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "sproose", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "ia_archiver", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "larbin", strTempUserAgent ) OR
		Find( "psycheclone", strTempUserAgent ) OR 
		Find( "arachmo", strTempUserAgent )
	// Set the flag for session use.
	REQUEST.cookie = duplicate(COOKIE);
	REQUEST._api.hasSession = false;
	if(! REQUEST._api.wsdlRequest) {
		COOKIE.sessionScopeTested = 1;	 
		COOKIE.hasSessionScope = 0;
} else {
	REQUEST._api.hasSession = true;
	if(! REQUEST._api.wsdlRequest) {
		COOKIE.sessionScopeTested = 1;	 
		COOKIE.hasSessionScope = 1;
REQUEST._api.cookieTestPerformed = true;

<cfif ! REQUEST._api.wsdlRequest && REQUEST._api.cookieTestPerformed>

	<!--- Write the cookie value for the test. --->

	<!--- Write the cookie value for the test outcome. --->


Let me know if you have any questions.

Ok those bots can be taken care by using the rewrite rules rather than ContentBox, the bots I am talking about is those that spoof the user agent and use proxy servers for IP’s.

Those ones are impossible to detect.