[Announcement] CommandBox 3.6.0 Released

Read the blog post here:


Hey Brad,

Looks like there might be some debug output left in on server start…


{"": { “description”: “host. (”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “host”, “arg”:“host” },
“”: { “description”: “stop backgrounded. Optional stop-port”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “stop”, “arg”:“password” },
“”: { “description”: “path to war”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “war”, “arg”:“path” },
“ajp-enable”: { “description”: “Enable AJP. Default is false. When enabled, http is disabled by default.”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “ajpenable”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“ajp-port”: { “description”: “AJP port. Disabled if not set.”, “type”: “class java.lang.Number”, “alias”: “ajpport”, “arg”:“ajp port” },
“background”: { “description”: “Run in background (true)”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “b”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“basicauth-enable”: { “description”: “Enable Basic Auth”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “basicauth”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“basicauth-users”: { “description”: “List of users and passwords, comma separated and equals separated.”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “users”, “arg”:“bob=secret,alice=12345” },
“buffer-size”: { “description”: “buffer size”, “type”: “class java.lang.Number”, “alias”: “buffersize”, “arg”:“size” },
“cache-enable”: { “description”: “enable static asset cache”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “cache”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“cfengine-name”: { “description”: “name of cfml engine, defaults to lucee”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “cfengine”, “arg”:“name” },
“cfml-server-config”: { “description”: “full path to cfml server context config directory”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “cfserverconf”, “arg”:“path” },
“cfml-web-config”: { “description”: “full path to cfml web context config directory”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “cfwebconf”, “arg”:“path” },
“config”: { “description”: “config file”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “c”, “arg”:“file” },
“context-path”: { “description”: “context path. (/)”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “context”, “arg”:“context” },
“custom-httpstatus-enable”: { “description”: “enable custom HTTP status code messages”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “customstatus”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“debug-enable”: { “description”: “set log level to debug”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “debug”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“direct-buffers”: { “description”: “Enable direct buffers”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “directbuffers”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“directory-index”: { “description”: “enable directory browsing”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “directoryindex”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“dirs”: { “description”: “List of external directories to serve from”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “d”, “arg”:“path,path,… or alias=path,…” },
“error-pages”: { “description”: “List of error codes and locations, no code or ‘1’ will set the default”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “errorpages”, “arg”:“404=/location,500=/location” },
“filter-pathinfo-enable”: { “description”: “Enable (.cf[c|m])(/.) handling, setting cgi.PATH_INFO to $2”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “filterpathinfo”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“gzip-enable”: { “description”: “enable gzip”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “gzip”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“help”: { “description”: “print this message”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “h”, “arg”:“arg” },
“http-enable”: { “description”: “Enable HTTP. Default is true ,unless SSL or AJP are enabled.”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “httpenable”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“io-threads”: { “description”: “number of IO threads”, “type”: “class java.lang.Number”, “alias”: “iothreads”, “arg”:“size” },
“jar”: { “description”: “jar to be added to classpath”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “j”, “arg”:“path” },
“jvm-args”: { “description”: “JVM arguments for background process.”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “jvmargs”, “arg”:“option=value,option=value” },
“lib-dirs”: { “description”: “List of directories to add contents of to classloader”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “libdirs”, “arg”:“path,path,…” },
“log-dir”: { “description”: “Log directory. (WEB-INF/logs)”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “logdir”, “arg”:“path/to/log/dir” },
“log-level”: { “description”: “log level [DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR] (WARN)”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “level”, “arg”:“level” },
“mariadb4j-basedir”: { “description”: “base directory. (temp/mariadb4j)”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “mariadb4jbasedir”, “arg”:“path/to/base/dir” },
“mariadb4j-datadir”: { “description”: “data directory. (temp/mariadb4j/data)”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “mariadb4jdatadir”, “arg”:“path/to/data/dir” },
“mariadb4j-enable”: { “description”: “enable MariaDB4j”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “mariadb4j”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“mariadb4j-import”: { “description”: “SQL file to import.”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “mariadb4jimport”, “arg”:“path/to/sql/file” },
“mariadb4j-port”: { “description”: “enable MariaDB4j”, “type”: “class java.lang.Number”, “alias”: “mariadb4jport”, “arg”:“port” },
“open-browser”: { “description”: “Open default web browser after start (false)”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “open”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“open-url”: { “description”: “URL to open browser to. (http://$host:$port)”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “url”, “arg”:“url” },
“pid-file”: { “description”: “Process ID file.”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “pidfile”, “arg”:“pidfile” },
“port”: { “description”: “port number. (8088)”, “type”: “class java.lang.Number”, “alias”: “p”, “arg”:“http port” },
“processname”: { “description”: “Process name where applicable”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “procname”, “arg”:“name” },
“request-log”: { “description”: “Log requests to specified file”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “requestlog”, “arg”:"/path/to/log" },
“sendfile-enable”: { “description”: “enable sendfile”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “sendfile”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“server-name”: { “description”: “server name (default)”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “name”, “arg”:“name” },
“servlet-rest-enable”: { “description”: “Enable an embedded CFML server REST servlet”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “servletrest”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“servlet-rest-mappings”: { “description”: “Embedded CFML server REST servlet URL mapping paths, comma separated [/rest/]", “type”: “”, “alias”: “servletrestmappings”, “arg”:"/rest/,/api/*” },
“ssl-add-certs”: { “description”: “Comma-separated list of additional SSL certificates to add to the store.”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “ssladdcerts”, “arg”:"/path/to/cert,/path/to/cert" },
“ssl-cert”: { “description”: “SSL certificate file in x509 (PKS#12) format.”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “sslcert”, “arg”:“certificate” },
“ssl-enable”: { “description”: “Enable SSL. Default is false. When enabled, http is disabled by default.”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “sslenable”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“ssl-key”: { “description”: “SSL private key file in DER (PKS#8) format.”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “sslkey”, “arg”:“key” },
“ssl-keypass”: { “description”: “SSL key passphrase.”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “sslkeypass”, “arg”:“passphrase” },
“ssl-port”: { “description”: “SSL port. Disabled if not set.”, “type”: “class java.lang.Number”, “alias”: “sslport”, “arg”:“port” },
“status-file”: { “description”: “status file (started/stopped) path”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “statusfile”, “arg”:“path” },
“stop-password”: { “description”: “Pasword checked when stopping server”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “password”, “arg”:“password” },
“stop-port”: { “description”: “stop listener port number. (8779)”, “type”: “class java.lang.Number”, “alias”: “stopsocket”, “arg”:“port” },
“sysprop”: { “description”: “system property to set”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “D”, “arg”:“property=value” },
“timeout”: { “description”: “Startup timout for background process. (50)”, “type”: “class java.lang.Number”, “alias”: “t”, “arg”:“seconds” },
“transfer-min-size”: { “description”: “Minimun transfer file size to offload to OS. (100)”, “type”: “class java.lang.Long”, “alias”: “transferminsize”, “arg”:“transferminsize” },
“tray-config”: { “description”: “tray menu config path”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “trayconfig”, “arg”:“path” },
“tray-icon”: { “description”: “tray icon and OS X dock icon png image”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “icon”, “arg”:“path” },
“urlrewrite-enable”: { “description”: “Enable URL Rewriting. Default is true.”, “type”: “class java.lang.Boolean”, “alias”: “urlrewriteenable”, “arg”:“true|false” },
“urlrewrite-file”: { “description”: “URL rewriting config file.”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “urlrewritefile”, “arg”:“path/to/urlrewrite/file” },
“version”: { “description”: “print runwar version and undertow version”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “v”, “arg”:“arg” },
“web-xml-path”: { “description”: “full path to default web.xml file for configuring the server”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “webxmlpath”, “arg”:“path” },
“welcome-files”: { “description”: “comma delinated list of welcome files used if no web.xml file exists”, “type”: “”, “alias”: “welcomefiles”, “arg”:“index.cfm,default.cfm,…” },
“worker-threads”: { “description”: “number of worker threads”, “type”: “class java.lang.Number”, “alias”: “workerthreads”, “arg”:“size” },
Starting in background - Server is up - http-port:9323 stop-port:60970 PID:87662 version 3.6.0



Hi Seb, that snuck into the last build of runwar before we released. I noticed it right after our release, but it took a couple hours to re-run the build and update S3. Grab the latest binary from our download URL and the debugging should be gone.



ColdBox/CommandBox Developer Advocate
Ortus Solutions, Corp

E-mail: brad@coldbox.org
ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com