bug? AJAX rendering views it should not

This maybe a bug or just me (more than likely me)

running M6

When I submit a form (using cfform) inside a cflayout is should
submit back inside the layout. but if I do the same with ColdBox it
it's invoking...

runEvent [dashboard.index]


<cfform id="editor_form" action="#event.buildLink('dashboard.save')#"
method="post" >
This form is inside a cflayout and submits to dashboard.save

it shoud not be invoking this, why is coldbox runing the default event
for this handler

How are you doing your controller?

Andrew Scott

From: coldbox@googlegroups.com [mailto:coldbox@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Sparky
Sent: Saturday, 16 October 2010 8:56 AM
To: ColdBox Platform
Subject: [coldbox:6278] bug? AJAX rendering views it should not

This maybe a bug or just me (more than likely me)

running M6

When I submit a form (using cfform) inside a cflayout is should submit


inside the layout. but if I do the same with ColdBox it it's invoking...

runEvent [dashboard.index]


<cfform id="editor_form" action="#event.buildLink('dashboard.save')#"
method="post" >
This form is inside a cflayout and submits to dashboard.save </cfform>

it shoud not be invoking this, why is coldbox runing the default event for


I am using the ColdBoxproxy to load the initial event, which is
basically a view with tabs and a layout i.e. the view...

<cflayout name="outerlayout" type="accordion" >
  <cflayoutarea name="campaignAccordion" title="Campaign" source="/
proxyCB.cfc?method=dspCampEdit" />

this calls another view and a form is returned inside the tab with no
layout from the proxyCB..

however when i submit said form using a standard event "with no
layout" it should load the event inside the tab.

forms gets submitted to this event...

  //* editor campaign */
    any function save(event) output=false{
    var rc = event.getCollection();

  }//end function

however the default handler action is returned...

interception [preProcess]
interception [afterHandlerCreation]
interception [preEvent]
invoking runEvent [dashboard.index]
interception [afterPluginCreation]
rendering View [dashboard/home.cfm]
rendering Layout [Layout.Main.cfm]

Ok I have found the issue and its making me think it could be a bug in

the forms submits using event.buildLink. for example inside a cflayout
buildlink gives me

however the same buildlink inside a tab,(which is inside a cflayout)
gives me

which as i have SES on, is why I was getting the default handler
