[coldbox-3.8.1] Detached Criteria Builder and including values from root entity

When using the Detached Criteria Builder is there a way to place values from the root entity into the subcriteria?

So for example if I have a Project entity and a related Task entity (all the tasks related to a project) and I want to return all the Projects that cost more than $10,000 where there have been zero tasks completed. So, this is different than having zero tasks, because there are tasks and I want to identify Projects with tasks where every task associated with that project meets a certain criteria, let’s say a date field Task.completedAt is not null.

It seems like I should do something like this:
var c = newCriteria( "Project" ); c = c.restrictions.gt( "cost", JavaCast( "int" , 10000 ) ); c = c.createSubcriteria( entityName="Task", alias="t" ).withProjections( property="project" ).isEQ( "t.ID", "this.ID" ).isNotNull( "completedAt" ).notExists(); c.list();

Which I’d think would yield some SQL like this:

Project this_
this_.Cost > 10000
t_.ProjectID AS y0_
Task t_
t_.ID = ? <— I’m expecting “this_.ID” to be placed here
AND t_.completedAt IS NOT NULL


But I get a Hibernate error: “could not bind value ‘this.ID’ to parameter: 1” when it tries to place the parameter I’d expect to be “this_.ID”.

When I test this instead:

.isEQ( "t.ID", JavaCast("int", 999) ).isNotNull( "completedAt" ).notExists();

I do get a value in the place I’d expect:
WHERE t_.ID = ? <--- 999 gets placed here as I'd expect AND t_.completedAt IS NOT NULL

So, doesn’t it seem like there should be a way to plug in a value from the root entity there somehow? Is there a way?

In the meantime I’m doing the following, which yields the results I want, but I feel like I had to bend to the will of the computer and I don’t like it:

var c = newCriteria( "Project" ); c = c.restrictions.gt( "cost", JavaCast( "int" , 10000 ) ); c = c.createSubcriteria( entityName="Task", alias="t" ).withProjections( property="project" ).isNotNull( "completedAt" ).propertyNotIn('ID'); c.list();

Which sends in this SQL, which works, but has no reference to the root entity in the subquery criteria:
SELECT <all the fields here> FROM Project this_ WHERE this_.Cost > 10000 AND this_.ID NOT IN ( SELECT t_.ProjectID AS y0_ FROM Task t_ WHERE t_.completedAt IS NOT NULL )

Try “{alias}” instead of “this”

Thanks Joel, I’m really glad you saw this! It did not work but let me show what I did just to be sure I did what you were asking.

First the Hibernate error message I received:
HIBERNATE INFO - could not bind value ‘{alias}.ID’ to parameter: 1; java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer

What I changed in yellow:

var c = newCriteria( "Project" ); c = c.restrictions.gt( "cost", JavaCast( "int" , 10000 ) ); c = c.createSubcriteria( entityName="Task", alias="t" ).withProjections( property="project" ).isEQ( "t.ID", "{alias}.ID" ).isNotNull( "completedAt" ).notExists(); c.list();

Ah, nevermind, sorry about that. That syntax is for the detachedsqlprojection. Let me see if I can find an example of this working.


I did make one mistake though it doesn’t seem to solve the core problem. In the example I originally posted I was telling I was comparing the Task ID as equal to the Project ID. What I really meant was to compare the Task.ProjectID to the Project.ID

var c = newCriteria( "Project" ); c = c.restrictions.gt( "cost", JavaCast( "int" , 10000 ) ); c = c.createSubcriteria( entityName="Task", alias="t" ).withProjections( property="project" ).isEQ( "t.ProjectID", "this.ID" ).isNotNull( "completedAt" ).notExists(); c.list();

component persistent=“true” table=“Project” {

property name=“ID” fieldtype=“id” column=“ID” generator=“native” setter=“false”;
property name=“tasks” fieldtype=“one-to-many” cfc=“Task” fkcolumn=“ProjectID” type=“array” singularname=“task” inverse=“true” cascade=“delete”;


component persistent=“true” table=“Task” {

property name=“ID” fieldtype=“id” column=“ID” generator=“native” setter=“false”;
property name=“project” fieldtype=“many-to-one” cfc=“Project” fkcolumn=“ProjectID”;

Joel, any chance you ran across an example of this? I’m working around it but am still curious to learn if there’s a way. Thanks!
