ColdBox + MongoDB

Hi again folks!

I’m tinkering with a new CB project using mangoDB and am wondering if anyone can share their thoughts and approaches to building an api-like app with Mongo as the datasource. I’ve gotten really used to using CB’s populateModel for persisting data, but as far as I can tell this wouldn’t work necessarily with Mango. What i’m trying to wrap my head around is designing a service layer that can serialize and deserialize objects for the GET and POST/PUT of data, but also having a dynamic way to take the schema-less data that comes into a handler and populate that into a model. The catch being that the model / object is built dynamically based on what is in the request. Any thoughts on how I would approach this?



Hi there Nolan,

This might get you started in the right direction. While at
cfObjective (ANZ) last year I played around with CF/MongoDB and you're
right the serialise/deserialise bits are where you miss ORM.

Anyway - this has never been in production so you might need to
benchmark it and I got some/most of the code from one of the populate
projects somewhere (ha! well I was coding it up during
presentations :D)
It's pretty raw, but follows (roughly) the BaseOrmService,
VirtualEntityService used in Coldbox ORM

Happy for you to use this however you like. Not sure if it'll support
nested objects/models.


BaseModelObject ------------------------------
component output="false"
  public Struct function asStruct()
    return deserializeJSON(serializeJSON(this));

  public any function populate( required any data, any propList =
    var metadata = getMetadata(this);
    param name="metadata.cleanseInput" default="false";

    for(var i=1; i<=arrayLen(; i++)
      if(not arraylen(arguments.propList) OR
        if(NOT StructKeyExists([i],"fieldType") OR[i].fieldType EQ "column")
            /*The property has a matching argument*/
            local.varValue =[[i].name];
            //For nullable fields that are blank, set them to null
            if((NOT StructKeyExists([i],"notNull") OR NOT[i].notNull) AND NOT Len(local.varValue))
              //Cleanse input?
              param name="[i].cleanseInput"
                local.varValue = _cleanse(local.varValue);
        else if([i].type EQ "array")
            var entityName =[i].cfc;
            var items =
            writeDump(var=items,label="in populate");
            var entityArray = arrayNew(1);
            for(var j=1; j<=arrayLen(items); j++)
              var entity = createObject("component",entityName);
        //do many-to-one
        else if([i].fieldType EQ "many-to-one")
            local.fkValue =[[i].fkcolumn];
            local.fkValue =[[i].name];
            local.varValue =
              if(NOT StructKeyExists([i],"notNull") OR NOT[i].notNull)
                throw(detail="Trying to load a null into the[i].name#, but it doesn't accept nulls.");

  function _cleanse (required any data)
    return HTMLEditFormat(;

  private void function _setProperty (required any name, any value)
    var theMethod = this["set" &];
      theMethod(javacast('NULL', ''));
  private void function _setPropertyNull(required any name)

end BaseModelObject---------------------------

User -----------------------------------------
component output="false" accessors="true" extends="BaseModelObject"
  property name="id" type="any";
  property name="firstname" type="String";
  property name="lastname" type="string";
  property name="email" type="string";
  property name="username" type="string";
  property name="password" type="string";
  property name="testStruct" type="Struct";

  property name="siteID" type="numeric";

  property name="memberships" singularname="membership" type="array"

  public User function init()
    return this;

end User -------------------------------------

BaseService ----------------------------------
component output="false" accessors="true"
  property name="entityName" type="String" required="true" ;
  property name="collectionName" type="String" required="true" ;

  BaseService function init()
    javaloaderFactory =
    mongoConfig =
    mongo =
    if(isDefined("arguments.clearCollection") &&
        var collection = mongo.getDBCollection(arguments.collectionName);
    if(isDefined("arguments.entityName") && len(arguments.entityName))
    return this;

  private Struct function asStruct(any entity)
    return deserializeJSON(serializeJSON(arguments.entity));

  any function new(string entityName,struct properties=structnew())
    var entity = createObject("component", arguments.entityName);
    var key = "";
    var excludes = "entityName,properties";

    // Properties exists?
    if( NOT structIsEmpty( ){
      entity.populate( );

    return entity;

  any function get(required string entityName,required any id)
    collection = mongo.getDBCollection( getCollectionName() );

    // Check if ID=0 or empty to do convenience new entity
    if( isSimpleValue( and ( eq 0 OR
len( eq 0 ) ){
      return new(arguments.entityName);
    // check if id exists so entityLoad does not throw error
    if( (isSimpleValue( and len( OR NOT
isSimpleValue( ){
      var entityStruct = collection.findById(;
      writeDump(var=entityStruct, label="entity struct in base service");
      // Check if not null, then return it
      if( NOT isNull(entityStruct) ){
        var entity = createObject("component",arguments.entityName);
        return entity;

  any function save(any entity)
    var entityAsStruct = asStruct(arguments.entity);
    collection = mongo.getDBCollection( getCollectionName() );;
    return entity;

end BaseService-------------------------------

VirtualObjectService -------------------------
component extends="BaseService" output="false" accessors="true"
  property name="entityName" type="String" required="true" ;
  property name="collectionName" type="String" required="true" ;

  VirtualObjectService function init(required String entityName,
required String collectionName, boolean clearCollection=false)

    // Set the local entity to be used in this virtual entity service

    return this;

  any function new(){
    arguments.entityName = this.getEntityName();
  any function get(required any id){
    arguments.entityName = this.getEntityName();
    return super.get(argumentCollection=arguments);

end VirtualObjectService ---------------------

UserService ----------------------------------
component extends="VirtualObjectService" output="false"
  public UserService function init(String collectionName="users",
boolean clearCollection=false)
    return this;

end UserService ------------------------------

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for the code samples. This is very similar to some of my initial thoughts so you've saved me a tonne of time by providing a rough framework. I recognize that populate method! Bob Silverberg and I live in the same city (Toronto). Do you happen to have an example of how you would run this within a coldbox handler? In transit right now. Will dive into this further when I get back on my laptop. Thanks again!

Nolan Dubeau

Load *.*,8,1

No sorry - this didn't make it very far.
I did write a couple of (very rudimentary) tests to prove to myself
that it would work and that was it.

However I imagine you could fold this into coldbox fairly easily. Let
me know how you go.

Ahh yes Bob Silverberg is where I got the code from - from memory I
had to script-ify it.

Some of the test code dumped below - it's fairly self-explanatory but
I've added some extra annotation for you just in case

  function beforeTests()
    userService = new UserService(collectionName="users_test",
clearCollection = true); <- create a new empty mongo collection
    testData =
<- test user struct to populate a user obj. simulates a form post

function testUserServiceGetUserWithZeroID()
    user = userService.get(id=0); <- sometimes passing in 0 as the ID to
get a new obj can be good
    assertIsTypeOf(user, "User", "Service returned incorrect entity");
  function testUserServiceGetUser()
    //fake up what would be a variable passed in
    user =; <- creates a new user
and populates it from the "form" struct
    user =;
    assertIsTypeOf(user, "User", "Service returned incorrect entity");

    userX = userService.get(id=user.getId()); <- gets the user we just
    assertIsTypeOf(userX, "User", "Service returned incorrect entity");
<- tests that the service is converting the mongo "struct" to a User
    assertEquals(userX.getId(), user.getId(), "Service returned
incorrect entity");

  function testUserServiceCreateUser()
    user =;
    assertIsTypeOf(user, "User", "Service returns invalid object");

  function testUserServiceCreateUserWithProperties()
    user =;
    assertIsTypeOf(user, "User", "Service returns invalid object");
    assertEquals("TestUser", user.getFirstname(), "Service returns
invalid property");

  function testUserServiceSaveUser()
    user =;
    assertTrue(isNull(user.getId()), "User ID invalid");
    user =;
    assertFalse(isNull(user.getId()), "User ID invalid");

Hi Stephen,

thanks for sending the tests over. I’ll give it a shot and let you know how I make out.



Hey Nolan - how’d you go with this?