CommandBox 5.3.1 No files/directories found

I just installed CommandBox in C:\CommandBox on Windows 10. This is my first install after building a new machine. It seems to install correctly upon first start and I even tried “Run As Administrator”.

However when going to C:\ either by “cd /” or “C:”, it shows “No files/directories found”. I even try to go to a folder such as “cd /myfolder” and it gives me “No such file or directory”.

It seems the only folder I can access is C:\CommandBox.

Now, if I put it in a subfolder of C:\myfolder, I can go to C:\myfolder down from C:\myfolder\commandbox.

Running CommandBox 5.3.1

@christierneycfwt This is a bug in that version of CommandBox. It’s fixed on the bleeding edge and will release in 5.4.0.