Commandbox existing Lucee Server Questions

Hi, trying to understand using commandbox CfConfig with existing full Lucee install instead of included commandbox embedded CFML server.

I want to be able to use Commandbox CFConfig to start/stop existing Lucee server on a directory of my choice while specifying the port I want the server to run. I also need to be able to have it start automatically on server bootup. Is this possible or recommended?


I don’t think CFConfig does what you think it does. CFConfig is a tool that will read and write the configuration on disk for a server of your choice. CFConfig only reads and writes XML files. And while it can be used for any Lucee installation, it has nothing to do with starting and stopping servers.

CFConfig is an optional module you install into CommandBox CLI. CommandBox CLI itself can be used to start and stop its own Lucee servers for you, but CommandBox CLI will not interact with traditionally-installed Lucee servers. There’s not really any point to that.