Dev Learning Environment Questions

  1. When running Railo can we set up the CFBuilder tools for ColdBox? (I am not sure what to put in to set up the server connection. Is it needed?)

  2. When using documentation how do we look up the docs for stuff like the following method?

  • #handler#
    1. You should tell people that they do not need to run the “Setup” when running the devBox. (As mine did not work.)

    NOTE: I would be glad to help out more. Things that help seasoned developers are not the same as things that help novices. There are areas many of us are not seasoned so the mix of approaches would advance things greatly. This is where usability testing comes in. We are good at testing function, scale but not so good as a community or perhaps it is a vocational weakness that we don’t do as well on usability for new developers.

    It is clear the DevBox is a move in the right direction. Kudos on getting that part up to the level you guys have it. Is there a video on using the dev box for different levels of developers. “Getting started with ColdBox DevBox”.

    1. When running Railo can we set up the CFBuilder tools for ColdBox? (I am not sure what to put in to set up the server connection. Is it needed?)

    Yes, I have done this before. Set it up as an “other” server. Just make sure your path to it is ok.

    1. When using documentation how do we look up the docs for stuff like the following method?
  • #handler#
  • The event is the request context, so in the request context document or also in the apidocs.

    1. You should tell people that they do not need to run the “Setup” when running the devBox. (As mine did not work.)

    Hmm that is for connecting the IIS connectors in Windows.

    NOTE: I would be glad to help out more. Things that help seasoned developers are not the same as things that help novices. There are areas many of us are not seasoned so the mix of approaches would advance things greatly. This is where usability testing comes in. We are good at testing function, scale but not so good as a community or perhaps it is a vocational weakness that we don’t do as well on usability for new developers.

    It is clear the DevBox is a move in the right direction. Kudos on getting that part up to the level you guys have it. Is there a video on using the dev box for different levels of developers. “Getting started with ColdBox DevBox”.

    Thank you. This was a proof of concept to get things going really fast. It has been working great and hopefully we can expand it in the future if possible. Ideas are welcomed and help as well :slight_smile:

    on the railo-express (Jetty) install, what would you use as the “Remote Server Webroot” and “Install Location” fields? (assuming a “c:\railo-express” install)