Error Creating ioc factory adapter () : The value of CLASS attribute is invalid.

I moved my webapp from Coldbox 2.6.3 to 3.0.0. Under cb 2.6.3 it ws
running fine but I had issues with Transfer.
(transfer.factory.AutoWireException - see thread

I replaced the Coldbox/system folder, copied the new coldbox.xml.cfm
over the old one after transferring all the old values.

(Afterwards I still had to replace some 20 settings that didn't pass
the XML validation of Coldbox.xml.cfm)

Now when I request the page I get "Error Creating ioc factory adapter
() : The value of CLASS attribute is invalid. " error.

I have no idea what this means. Can anyone help me in transferring
correctly from Coldbox 2.6.3 to 3.0.0.?

I run this site locally on CF9.01, IIS 7.5 (W7)


(The rest of the error page below.)

Ok, turns out that the config file is missing a bunch of settings
(about 20). I removed them because when running the app I kept getting
an error message saying that the setting was not compliant with the
XML schema...

I am looking for a Coldbox.xml.cfm file now that I can use with
Coldbox 3.0.0. The Coldbox.xml.cfm example in the wiki is for version
2.6.4. Is there documentation specific to Coldbox 3.0.0? Or should I
look through the sample applications for a that?

