Error when trying to run new ContentBox Site

I think Luis meant George’s coldbox version might be old. I can say in my case the 3.8.x version, that I had lying around and I was referencing, didn’t have the methods, but it appears in newer versions it was added along with the announcment of the interception points.

So in my case, Luis’ assertion that the coldbox version was dated was right on. George made it sound like he already had those preFlush and postFlush methods in his EventHandler.cfc, with the announce interception points in them though, so his coldbox version might be up to date.

Yes, not andrew’s one but george’s one.

Luis Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp
P/F: 1-888-557-8057
Direct: (909) 248-3408

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Hi Luis, please send me the updated file for the EventHandler with the correct methods please and I will try that.


George Murphy

Just an FYI I pulled ContentBox by doing this in Commandbox forgebox install contentbox. Just a thought can you please give me a link Luis that you know for sure that ColdBox is CF11 ready and I can swap it out and see. Could be that the old Coldbox is somehow embedded with ContentBox by mistake.

Is there a more up to date location for the 3.8.x branch than Github? Contentbox uses 3.8.x still right?

Github version doesn’t appear to have the methods in that tag. Maybe i’m looking at the wrong place.

maybe just add these methods from Luis’ previous post to the contents of the .cfc on git hub and see where that gets you.

/*** Called before the session is flushed. */
public void function preFlush(any entities){
announceInterception(“ORMPreFlush”, {entities=arguments.entities});


  • Called after the session is flushed.
    public void function postFlush(any entities){
    announceInterception(“ORMPostFlush”, {entities=arguments.entities});


It appears as part of the Content box core.

Are you sure your content box is using the correct “coldbox” folder that you think it is? Like a system mapping pointing to an old version instead of the content box mapping?

writeDump(this.mappings); abort; ?

confirm it is pointing where you think it is.

George, it is part of the ContentBox build. So I don’t know what to send you as it is part of it.

Luis Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp
P/F: 1-888-557-8057
Direct: (909) 248-3408

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Hi Luis,

I totally understand. I verified that the two event handlers were the same.

Here is the link to the full stack trace.

It times out changes the URL and then errors.


Please double check your Application.cfc one more time, it appears that you possible have the worng EventHandler. After double checking your initial error message, you have the WBEventHandler and Not the EventHandler that contains the pre/postFlush.

Once you have done that you will be good to go.

Luis, what is the difference between these two and why is one missing the required events?

Hi Guys,

Here is the link for the Application.cfc.

I think I have the correct event handler.


George Murphy

And check that it is extending the right one, there are two EventHandlers, one is prefixed with WB, which is in your error. As this is not the one you want, please look at changing it to the one without the prefix of WB.

That was an old version for wirebox standalone version.

Luis Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp
P/F: 1-888-557-8057