Few Updates

To keep with some periodical updates, we have just committed various cool features:

  • Custom Fields, woot woot! Every page and entry can can unlimited amount of custom fields attached to them, great for layouts, themes, extension.
  • Remember me is now active for the login screens
  • Lots of UI changes
  • Username uniqueness checks
  • Notifications for pages, authors and entries
  • Fixes to cascading deletes for pages and sub-pages
  • Security firewall is now in place.
  • Geek settings are now online, where you can manage and view geeky settings about ContentBox
  • CacheBox monitor embedded in geek settings, so an administrator can manage the cache directly
  • New Dashboard about page awaiting some auto-update features
  • Page and Blog Editors now get events for UI enhancements on content, footers and sidebar
  • New Logo for ContentBox

We also have the online tracker available now and you can submit feature requests and bugs online: http://coldbox.assembla.com/spaces/contentbox, you can submit for support here: http://coldbox.assembla.com/spaces/contentbox/support/tickets

So please give us your ideas and updates how this project is working out. We will soon publish its main readme and license files.


Luis, are all your commits pushed out to GitHub? I downloaded the latest ContentBox and ColdBox nightlies tonight to play around and I can’t find features such as custom fields, “remember me” on the login screen, or the security firewall.

Is there a quick easy way to determine if the ContentBox master branch on GitHub (the only branch for that repo) has the latest from your local working copy?

Also, I still got the case-sensitive errors for the isApproved stuff on Railo. Have you not made those fixes yet?



hmm it should be there, try again

Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/3/731/483
Blog: http://www.luismajano.com
IECFUG Manager: http://www.iecfug.com

Social: twitter.com/lmajano facebook.com/lmajano

I think I figured it out. It appears I downloaded the contentBox zip into the same folder I did last time, and I unzipped the old zip file again instead of the new one. :slight_smile:

I seem to be on the latest code now, but I can’t get to the installer. The security interceptor has a single rule loaded that is an empty struct which causes line 204 of the security interceptor to error on “whitelist” is not a key in the struct.
If I dump out qRules in loadModelRules(), it has a single record with no columns in it. (Table cb_securityRule is empty) Is this perhaps a Railo bug?



Did you re,one the db>

Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/3/731/483
Blog: http://www.luismajano.com
IECFUG Manager: http://www.iecfug.com

Social: twitter.com/lmajano facebook.com/lmajano

Come again? You lost me at “re,one” :slight_smile:

I did drop the database and let CB re-create it if that’s what you’re asking.


Hmm checking this out seems it is a railo bug

Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/3/731/483
Blog: http://www.luismajano.com
IECFUG Manager: http://www.iecfug.com

Social: twitter.com/lmajano facebook.com/lmajano

Ok, SeeFusion confirms that the actual select returned 0 records. Not sure at what point in time the result set is getting a phantom row in it.


Yea it is an orm list method and in railo it comes back with 1 row with no data on it

Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/3/731/483
Blog: http://www.luismajano.com
IECFUG Manager: http://www.iecfug.com

Social: twitter.com/lmajano facebook.com/lmajano

Do you want to submit it to the Railo list, or me? Also, how should we work around that in the mean time? I just saw an E-mail come through from Assembla with a commit to security.cfc. Should the compat check for Railo be implemented in the VirtualEntityService. If this bug affects all use of the list() method, it may break something elsewhere too.


The security update was for data consistency on the query as a backup. Whenever a list() in ORM returns no records the entityToQuery is what fails. You can submit please to railo. I found some more

Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/3/731/483
Blog: http://www.luismajano.com
IECFUG Manager: http://www.iecfug.com

Social: twitter.com/lmajano facebook.com/lmajano

Beautimous. That update to the security interceptor got me into the installer.

Looks like the next error happens when I submit the installer:

Error Type: org.hibernate.PropertyValueException : 0
Error Messages: not-null property references a null or transient value: cbAuthor.createdDate

LINE: 730
Template: /var/wwwroot/test_codersrevolution_com/modules/contentbox/lib/coldbox_3.5.0/system/orm/hibernate/BaseORMService.cfc
LINE: 1158
Template: /var/wwwroot/test_codersrevolution_com/modules/contentbox/lib/coldbox_3.5.0/system/orm/hibernate/BaseORMService.cfc
LINE: 716
Template: /var/wwwroot/test_codersrevolution_com/modules/contentbox/lib/coldbox_3.5.0/system/orm/hibernate/BaseORMService.cfc
LINE: 29
Template: /var/wwwroot/test_codersrevolution_com/modules/contentbox/model/security/AuthorService.cfc
LINE: 153
Template: /var/wwwroot/test_codersrevolution_com/modules/contentbox-installer/model/InstallerService.cfc
LINE: 40
Template: /var/wwwroot/test_codersrevolution_com/modules/contentbox-installer/model/InstallerService.cfc

Did you update to the latest railo. I got other errors with ORM incompats

Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/3/731/483
Blog: http://www.luismajano.com
IECFUG Manager: http://www.iecfug.com

Social: twitter.com/lmajano facebook.com/lmajano

Ok I found blocker issue with railo on many to many cascading save. Submitted a bug, but until that gets fixed the installer does not work.

Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/3/731/483
Blog: http://www.luismajano.com
IECFUG Manager: http://www.iecfug.com

Social: twitter.com/lmajano facebook.com/lmajano

I was on final which is the latest stable build that the auto-updater shows. Updating to removed the previous error I received, but gave me this one:# invalid definition of the attribute taglib [/coldbox/system/cache/report]The error occurred in /var/wwwroot/test_codersrevolution_com/modules/contentbox/lib/coldbox_3.5.0/system/Coldbox.cfc: line 196

Acording to this ticket, (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RAILO-184) application level mappings aren’t supported for cfimport. Adding a “coldbox” mapping in the Railo administrator fixed that error.

After that, I was able to drop and recreate the database empty and go through the entire installer. I didn’t get whatever “blocker issue” you were seeing. What version of Railo are you on?

That all being said, now that I have the correct version of ContentBox installed, it looks like the work-around for case-sensitivity issues with RAILO arguments has not been sorted out yet.

Error Type: ORMService.MaybeInvalidParamCaseException : [N/A]
Error Messages: A null pointer exception occurred when running the count
The most likely reason is that the keys in the passed in structure need to be case sensitive. Passed Keys=ISAPPROVED

This is the bit where you need to do this:

var params = {};
params[‘isApproved’] = true;
prc.commentsApprovedCount = commentService.countWhere(argumentCollection=params);

instead of this:

prc.commentsApprovedCount = commentService.countWhere(isApproved=true);

The issue exists once in \modules\contentbox-admin\handlers\dashboard.cfc and twice in \modules\contentbox-admin\handlers\comments.cfc

I’m having problems getting in the admin though. After the installer finishes and I hit the admin, the next page I get logs me out. Also, it looks like dbcreate is left at dropcreate. Is that expected?

Time for bed. :slight_smile:


No The issue is that many to many are not cascaded and saved. This all the permissions are not created by the installer. I files a bug with them.
