includeUdf error message

Hi there

I am trying to user helper udfs to clean up my code, but I am
recieving an error message and am unsure why..

I have created a file called artistHelper which contains a function
called buildImageArtist..

I am trying to use this function in my view artist.cfm, like this

<cfoutput query="rc.qryArtist">
   <img src="#buildImageArtist(idArt)#"/>

I am initally getting an error message saying that Variable

I have tried moving the artistHelper to a folder called helpers and
appending the following text to my view artist.cfm

<!---Include Helper--->
<cfset includeUDF('helpers/relatedHelper')>

But then I recieve the message

Error loading UDFLibraryFile. The UDF library was not found in your
application's include directory or in the location you specified:

Confused to what I am doing wrong


1). Where did you put the artistHelper.cfm.. when you got the
BuildImageArtist error? It should be located in the views folder right
next to the artist.cfm

2) the relatedHelper.cfm your trying to IncludeUDF() should probably be
located in the /includes/helpers folder by convention I believe...

3) Or you could use this config in the xml to always load up this UDFLibrary
<!--UDF Library To Load on every request for your views and handlers -->
        <Setting name="UDFLibraryFile"
value="/path/to/your/helper.cfm" />


namtax wrote:

Thanks for response..

1)Yes the artistHelper is located in the views folder right next to
artist.cfm, but when I try and use the buildImageArtist function from
the artistHelper.cfm in my artist.cfm, like so

<cfoutput query="rc.qryArtist">
   <img src="#buildImageArtist(idArt)#"/>

I still get the error message...

2) I have created a folder called helpers within my includes folder,
and moved the artistHelper.cfm to there...

Then in my view artist.cfm, I have tried the following text

<cfset includeUDF('includes/helpers/artistHelper')>


<cfset includeUDF('helpers/artistHelper')>

And they both bring up the error message...Error loading
UDFLibraryFile. The UDF library was not found in your application's
include directory or in the location you specified:

3) This one works....YIPEEEE!!! Ha ha ha

Thanks...ha ha

No prob..

FYI.. you needed the '.cfm' on IncludeUDF()

namtax wrote:

Ok, thats where I was going wrong..

I prefer method 3 anyway....thats the easiest I reckon.
