Install Error: CF 901/ JRun4 instance / Win 7 Pro / Apache 2.2x

Just tried installing ContentBox on Win 7 Pro / CF 901 JRun4 instance / Apache 2.2x:

  1. Downloaded .zip from Git and renamed folder contentbox
  2. Created MySQL db / CF dsn : contentbox
  3. CF instance structure:
  • srv root : *E:\JRun4\servers\techsmartz\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war*
  • webroot : *E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz*
  • CFIDE : E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\CFIDE
  • contentbox location: E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\contentbox
  1. Error message on initial load

Requested instance not found: 'AdminMenuService@cb’The instance could not be located in any declared scan location(s) (contentbox.model) or full path location The error occurred in E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\contentbox\coldbox\system\core\util\Util.cfc: line 164

Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\contentbox\coldbox\system\ioc\Injector.cfc: line 238
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\contentbox\modules\contentbox\modules\Hello\ModuleConfig.cfc: line 135
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\contentbox\coldbox\system\web\services\ModuleService.cfc: line 324
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\contentbox\coldbox\system\web\services\ModuleService.cfc: line 256
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\contentbox\coldbox\system\web\services\LoaderService.cfc: line 81
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\contentbox\coldbox\system\Coldbox.cfc: line 71
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\contentbox\Application.cfc: line 78

162 : 		<cfargument name="detail" 	required="false" default="">
163 : 		<cfargument name="type"  	required="false" default="Framework">
**164 : 		<cfthrow type="#arguments.type#" message="#arguments.message#"  detail="#arguments.detail#">**
165 : 	</cffunction>
166 : 

This is first time out for me with ContentBox.  Any help much appreciated.

Try renaming the folder contentbox to something else, or moving the contents of that folder to the web root.

Thanks Andrew, much appreciated.

Extracted to ContentBox to webroot.
Ran index.cfm

Error Message:# The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFLOOPThe error occurred in E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\core\util\Util.cfc: line 345
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\core\util\Util.cfc: line 311
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\config\Mapping.cfc: line 578
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\Injector.cfc: line 250
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\Builder.cfc: line 456
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\Builder.cfc: line 327
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\Injector.cfc: line 586
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\Injector.cfc: line 473
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\scopes\Singleton.cfc: line 57
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\Injector.cfc: line 262
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\web\services\InterceptorService.cfc: line 244
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\web\services\InterceptorService.cfc: line 190
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\web\services\ModuleService.cfc: line 304
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\web\services\ModuleService.cfc: line 256
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\web\services\LoaderService.cfc: line 81
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\Coldbox.cfc: line 71
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\Application.cfc: line 78

343 : 				</cfloop>
344 : 			<cfelseif NOT listFindNoCase("extends,implements", loc.key)>
**345 : 				<cfset loc.parent[loc.key] = md[loc.key]>**
346 : 			</cfif>
347 : 		</cfloop>

Yes unfortunetly on some systems Coldbox does time out, but a refresh tends to fix it. I partitioned some time ago that models and services be in separate directories and by convention because of this error.

Maybe Luis (hopefully he is reading this) can finally accept the ticket that I raised to have this bug squashed, and split models and services into their own directories for this very reason.

I agree. I keep getting "The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFLOOP" when I go to and it takes two or three reloads before I can get the blog (and the admin side) to load correctly. I can't have people visiting the blog if this keeps happening.

Thanks for your update. Duly noted and I’ll add my weight to the request.
I’ll keep working through and posting progress here.

Increased jvm -Xmx2048m and added some gc params

Re-ran index.cfm

New Error Message:

Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface Query.Ensure that the name is correct and that the component or interface exists. The error occurred in E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\modules\contentbox\model\ui\LayoutService.cfc: line 140

Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\modules\contentbox\model\ui\LayoutService.cfc: line 58
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\core\dynamic\MixerUtil.cfc: line 170
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\Injector.cfc: line 550
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\Injector.cfc: line 481
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\scopes\Singleton.cfc: line 57
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\ioc\Injector.cfc: line 262
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\modules\contentbox-ui\ModuleConfig.cfc: line 123
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\web\services\ModuleService.cfc: line 324
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\web\services\ModuleService.cfc: line 256
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\web\services\LoaderService.cfc: line 81
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\coldbox\system\Coldbox.cfc: line 71
Called from E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\Application.cfc: line 78

138 : 		var rawLayouts 	= directoryList(getLayoutsPath(),false,"query");
139 : 		// filter layout folders only
**140 : 		var rawLayouts 	= new Query(dbtype="query",sql="SELECT directory,name from rawLayouts WHERE type = 'Dir'",rawlayouts=rawlayouts).execute().getResult();**
141 : 
142 : 		// Add Columns

Re-ran index.cfm after reboots

Database tables (17) created - no data written

Failed on query lookup to db ‘rawLayouts’ - doesn’t exist … ?

Error Message:

Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface Query.Ensure that the name is correct and that the component or interface exists. The error occurred in E:\apache2214\devsites\techsmartz\modules\contentbox\model\ui\LayoutService.cfc: line 140

What Jre are you guys using. All my sites run on 901 with 512mb.
But I use the latest jre. Makes a huuuuuuge difference on class loading. My sites load in 10 seconds after reboot.

Cheers Luis, Oracle JDK 7u5 for me

I don’t think 7 is actually supported in ACF?


Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform:
Linked In:
IECFUG Manager:


Which JDK / JRE are you running ?


Not sure if this helps but this is from the CF9 install notes: "ColdFusion 9 is built in Java. By default, ColdFusion installs and runs on JDK 1.6. If you install ColdFusion 9 on any J2EE server that is not running on JRE 1.6, replace the tools.jar file in the lib directory with the tools.jar file from the appropriate JRE."



jdk 6 update 33


Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform:
Linked In:
IECFUG Manager:


Thanks Michael,

I’ve loaded and reset java.home for oracle jdk-6u34. Have got some work to clear now so will come back to this tomorrow morning.

Thanks for all the help, one and all : )