key [PROJECT] doesn't exist in struct (keys:__HASH)

Coldbox: 3.0.0 RC1
Server: Railo 3.2 (Tomcat+Railo) on Windows 2003
DB: Postgres

Error: key [PROJECT] doesn't exist in struct (keys:__HASH)

My source code can be found here:

I've restarted twice now and I get the same error at the same place,
when I try to call the model using rc.qUsers =

Very little changes have been made to the Simple app template other
than changing the handler, modelMappings, adding the Project model and
the name of the app in the Coldbox.cfc.

The cfproperty annotation on your handler is wrong. It is inject=model not type=model

Thanks, I will check that out!

I would like to note that I was following the simple example (User
Service) found here:

Thanks Luis, it's working now! Thanks for the help!