Luis Majano Forums Notification: Post to Transfer and Coldspring?

Title: Transfer and Coldspring?
Thread: Transfer and Coldspring?
Forum: Need Help?
Conference: ColdBox
User: tschmitt

Hi All,
I posted this over at the Google group, but it does not appear to have
gone through...

I'm a Fuseboxer working on my first Coldbox/Coldspring/Transfer
app. I've used Transfer with Fusebox, so that's no problem.

I started out with
something similar to the Coldbox sample Transfer app, but moved transfer out of
the handlers and into a service layer. It works fine.

I now want to take this
one more step and use Coldspring, which I've never used before.

I can get a
TransferFactory created with no problem, if I hard code the file paths in the
Coldspring services.xml file.
<bean id="transferFactory"
class="transfer.TransferFactory" singeleton="true">
<constructor-arg name="datasourcePath">
<constructor-arg name="configPath">
<constructor-arg name="definitionPath">
What I would really like to do, is use the values that I
set in the Coldbox config.xml file. That way all my application parameters are
contained in one file.
transferFile:config/transfer.xml.cfm, definitions:config/definitions}"/>
There must be a way to pass these values into
Coldspring... I'm guessing "$" is used for this, but I'll be darned if
I can figure it out, as something is not clicking in my head yet. Anyone have
any ideas? I can see that this should access the structure that is passed into
Coldspring when it is created, but i just get:
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\dependency\$(TransferSettings.datasourceFile) (The system
cannot find the file specified).

I must also say that Coldbox is really
turning out to be an awesome transition from Fusebox to a full OOP oriented
