Odd Error on install

I’m getting a weird error when installing ContentBox:

Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface Query.

Ensure that the name is correct and that the component or interface exists.

The error occurred in /fs/sites/contentBox/web/modules/contentbox/model/ui/LayoutService.cfc: line 104


var rawLayouts = new Query(dbtype=“query”,sql=“SELECT directory,name from rawLayouts WHERE type = ‘Dir’”,rawlayouts=rawlayouts).execute().getResult();

I’m getting a weird error when installing ContentBox:

Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface Query.

Ensure that the name is correct and that the component or interface exists.

The error occurred in /fs/sites/contentBox/web/modules/contentbox/model/ui/LayoutService.cfc: line 104


var rawLayouts = new Query(dbtype=“query”,sql=“SELECT directory,name from rawLayouts WHERE type = ‘Dir’”,rawlayouts=rawlayouts).execute().getResult();

Yep, 9,0,1,274733…

Yea that is totally weird as that is an internal cf

Tom, double check your Custom Tag Paths in CFAdmin. There should be one pointing to ${CFInstallLocation}/CustomTags , which I’ve noticed missing before and come across the same error.

Josh you rock!

That was exactly it.



Glad to hear.
