orm Session is closed

I have got an error when save and update in coldbox
I just remove the id from structure but still error exits
even i found error when i am update the record

I have 11 fields in my table and when i show the entity it will also
show me 11 fields

The error is:

Application Execution Exception
Error Type: org.hibernate.SessionException : [N/A]
Error Messages: Session is closed


Are you storing this object in a session or application scope? Or, are you doing any transactions between the time you read the object from the database and try to save it?



Yes I discovered this bug recently meaning an error occurred and the rollback fails. I fixed this on the development branch.

Yeah this bug has annoyed me for almost a year, and each time I fixed it by
removing all the transactional stuff in the save method in BaseORMService.

Andrew Scott