RE: [coldbox:16884] Devbox config

How did you create your new site? I was just playing with DevBox last night and I clicked the button to create a new application and everything just worked without any issues.

I didn’t add any new hosts in resin though, I’m just accessing my new site via:

Since the ColdBox folder is in the site root (webapps\ROOT\coldbox\system), Railo is able to resolve any coldbox.whatever path.

I’m not 100% familiar with Resin, but it looks like you have defined a new host (site) in which the site root is webapps/newsite/html. There’s no technical reason why your site root can’t be inside a folder called “html”, but it seems a little odd. Either way, one of 3 things needs to happen:

  1. You need to copy/paste the coldbox folder into webapps/newsite/html/coldbox.
  2. Or you can create an application-specific mapping in your application.cfc and use the no inheritance mode.
  3. Or you can create a server-level ColdFusion mapping for “/coldbox” that points to wherever the coldbox folder is

Number 1 should be the easiest to get you up and running.



ColdBox Platform Evangelist
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform:

I added the project from an svn repo. I'll try out your suggestions
and let you know what happens. Thanks again.

It looks like number 1 worked. Awesome! Thanks for your help.
Ideally I’d like to setup either number 2 or 3 depending on how they affect the vcs, but regardless, this was a huge help. Thanks!