Restricting login to certain event handlers

I am trying to understand how I can modify this existing login to
where it will only fire on the admin event handler.
This is the code for the securityRules.xml.cfm when I change the
redirect back to admin.index I get stuck in a loop.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!-- any SES event starting with 'admin\', the user must be logged in
with a role of admin, else they get redirected to login -->

<cfcomponent output="false">
  <cfproperty name="userService" inject="model:userService"
scope="instance" />

  <cffunction name="login" access="public" output="false"
returntype="void" hint="I perform user login">
    <cfargument name="event" required="true" />
    <cfset var rc = event.getCollection() />
    <cfset var msg = "" />
    <cfset var msgtype = "" />
    <cfset var loggedin =
instance.userService.login(username=rc.username,password=rc.password) /

    <cfif loggedin>
      <cfset msg="Welcome " & getAuthUser() & "!" />
      <cfset msgtype="info" />
      <cfset msg="Login failed. Please try again" />
      <cfset msgtype="warning"/>
    <cfset getPlugin("messagebox").setMessage(type=msgtype,message=msg) /

    <cfset setNextEvent(event=getSetting("defaultEvent")) />

  <cffunction name="logout" access="public" output="false"
returntype="void" hint="I perform the logout function">
    <cfargument name="event" required="true" />
    <cfset var rc = event.getCollection() />
    <cfset instance.userService.logout() />
    <cfset getPlugin("messagebox").setMessage(type="info",message="You
have been logged out") />
    <cfset setNextEvent(event=getSetting("defaultEvent")) />



the ^ tells it to match anything that starts with admin… so AdminOne/AdminTwo/AdminThree

admin…* matches any action in the admin handler

Where you able to resolve this?

You mentioned in the OP "when I change the redirect back to
admin.index I get stuck in a loop. "

Well, if your admin handler is secured, what would you expect? I've
never used the default security interceptor (rolled my own) but I
would expect that the redirect would need to point to an UNSECURED
page. Namely, one that allowed them to log in.

