unit testing to hard to configure???

Hey all,
I am about to give up on unit testing within coldbox, it just seems
impossible to set up. first, have another post that states I can't get
the mxunit plugin for builder or eclipse to work. So, running tests in
we are using coldbox 2.6.3...

my test folder is this:

i put my mxunit folder inside my webroot folder which has all my
coldbox code. I have my site setup in builder to reference the
remotefacade inside the resources folder, and the main preferences for
mxunit i have referencing the mxunit/framework/remotefacade.cfc file.

in the system folder i have either under the extras folder the testing
stuff, or I added a testing folder under system with
baseHandlerTest.cfc and other .cfc files in it.

No matter what I try with my tests, they do not run...no matter which
extends I use, i am always getting some error, weather it is some
application variable error, or getSetting error. None of these errors
are part of my test, they are on one of the baseTest files or
test url for firefox: http://localhost/test/integration/MainTest.cfc?method=testonAppInit

<!---<cfcomponent extends="coldbox.system.testing.BaseTestCase">
<cfcomponent extends="coldbox.system.extras.testing.BaseMXUnitTest">---

<cfcomponent extends="coldbox.system.testing.BaseHandlerTest">

  <cffunction name="setUp" returntype="void" output="false">
    // Call the super setup method to setup the app.

    // Any preparation work will go here for this test.

  <cffunction name="testonAppInit" returntype="void" output="false"
    var event = "";

    //Place any variables on the form or URL scope to test the handler.
    //URL.name = "luis"
    event = execute("main.onAppInit");

    //Do your asserts below


I know mxUnit is pretty simple when it is run on just components, but
it seems crazy hard within coldbox...can anyone give me good
directions for setting up my tests in coldbox 2.6.3, they help docs
just don't seem to be helping me enough...plus i can't seem to
understand how my test folder will run headlessly and how to use the
application.cfc in the test folder to maybe set application level
variables if I can....


Did u try my latest bid of code to you?

And you have read this guide?


here is my code:

<cfcomponent extends="coldbox.system.testing.BaseTestCase">
<!---<cfcomponent extends="coldbox.system.testing.BaseHandlerTest">
<cfcomponent extends="coldbox.system.extras.testing.BaseMXUnitTest">---

  <cffunction name="setUp" returntype="void" output="false">
    //Setup ColdBox Mappings For this Test
      setConfigMapping(ExpandPath(instance.AppMapping & "/config/

    // Call the super setup method to setup the app.

    // Any preparation work will go here for this test.

  <cffunction name="testonAppInit" returntype="void" output="false"
    var event = "";

    //Place any variables on the form or URL scope to test the handler.
    //URL.name = "luis"
    event = execute("main.onAppInit");

    //Do your asserts below


I have tried all three cfcomponent tags, and 2 of the three give me
the getSetting was not found. After I added the mappings into my setUP
function, I restarted my cf server. Still seems like no luck. Every
time I search for answers online, the link to the documentation
continues to come up, and I continue to read it. I have a feeling I am
missing something simple, but still nothing works.

sorry for being a pain to everyone, i just can't seem to get this to


can you post the exact error message.

the get setting error looks like this:

The getSetting method was not found.
Either there are no methods with the specified method name and
argument types, or the getSetting method is overloaded with argument
types that ColdFusion cannot decipher reliably. ColdFusion found 0
methods that matched the provided arguments. If this is a Java object
and you verified that the method exists, you may need to use the
javacast function to reduce ambiguity.

The error occurred in C:\LOCALSERVER\icert-DEV\coldbox\system\testing
\BaseTestCase.cfc: line 336
Called from C:\LOCALSERVER\icert-DEV\coldbox\system\testing
\BaseTestCase.cfc: line 355
Called from C:\LOCALSERVER\icert-DEV\test\integration\MainTest.cfc:
line 34

334 : <cfscript>
335 : // Setup the incoming event
336 : URL[getController().getSetting("EventName")] =
337 : // Capture the request
338 : getController().getRequestService().requestCapture();

I have a very detailed folder structure on the other posting i made
yesterday where you asked for a more detailed folder structure.


yes and see my response there.