Add custom http header

I would like add http header for support CORS.

On IIS I add this XML on web.config:

Is it possibile add custom http header on CommandBox web server (without use cfheader)?

Best regards,

Have you checked the docs here?

I think you can add this in web config file.

Ma che bello!! una discussione tutta italiana! Non si vedeva dai tempi di cfmentor :relaxed:

Questo gruppo è multilingue! Lunga vita all’Italia!


On server.json i don’t found options to set header.

I hope in one magic answer from superNinjaMegaGuru> Brad :slight_smile:

Thank’s again Brad and Luis for this magic tools!


Questo gruppo è multilingue! Lunga vita all’Italia!

There is not a way right now to set arbitrary headers in the CommandBox web server. We just use the cors module in our apps which automatically sets it on every CF page for us.