Advice for CFWheels Users; Equivalent API docs; CSS; JS Libraries

Multi part question:

  1. Does anyone have any advice for a person coming from a fairly experienced CFWheels background – specific gotchas, or important concepts that specifically differ from CFW that initially slowed you down?

  2. CFWheels offers this documentation, to show what methods are available in controllers, models and views. Is there an equivalent in the docs for ColdBox? All I could find was the API for the core itself it seems, and I’m wondering what methods are created for use in the developer’s own M/V/C’s.

  3. I know this will be entirely a matter of preference in the end, but is there a specific CSS framework that seems to “play best” with the view methodology of ColdBox? What do you feel is the most common one? I had been using Blueprint for years, and recently did a project using PureCSS. What is the convention with regards to directory placement of CSS libraries and custom-created individual files, both in the top level app, and for CSS libraries or files specific to a module? My instinct would be to place stylesheets in views/stylesheets or modules/{MODULE_NAME}/views/stylesheets.

  4. I am primarily a jQuery kind of guy. Where is everyone storing javascript libraries in the directory structure, both in the top level app, and for JS libraries or files specific to a module?


  1. don’t have an answer for this one as I didn’t come from wheels
  2. has the docs for every part of the framework in a “developer” format. has docs on how to do most anything in the framework with great examples, etc
  3. Like you said, this is preference. Any will do. I typically keep my css in subdirectories under a /includes directory and organize under that accordingly.
  4. Same for JS, I put it under a js directory under /includes
    Hope that helps,

Curt Gratz
Computer Know How

Anyone else care to chime in?

  1. Never used CFWeels so I can’t help there. It’s honestly not that popular of a framework compared to ColdBox so I’m not sure how many people have used it.
  2. Like Curt said, we have online, searchable API docs for all the internal bits of ColdBox at
    We also have a lot of built in methods and variables documented in our comprehensive documentation guide:
  3. ColdBox is completely un-opinionated when it comes to your JS or CSS frameworks, so it works without whatever you want.
  4. Most people put those in an “/includes/js” or “/includes/css” directory for the app. A module would be the same, but just in the root of the module. In your module layouts or views, you can get access to variables that have the module mapping, or path to the root of the module. Keep in mind, modules aren’t guaranteed to be installed to a web-accessible directory.



ColdBox Platform Evangelist
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform:

Franc, I don’t recognize your name from cfwheels forums but you should post your question over there. I’m sure there are users that use coldbox and can give you some good advice.
It’s a popular and active community with 861 forum members waiting to help you out. Unfortunately I can’t help as I know wheels but I’m a coldbox noob.!forum/cfwheels

I didn’t think any questions about ColdBox would be relevant or even welcome over there, as they are simply two different frameworks, and would be curious as to why someone that has chosen to use ColdBox would still participate there unless of course they were still working on projects in both… I haven’t posted a whole lot there, but i am registered and have in the past.

Franc, if you have some more specific questions about how to accomplish things with ColdBox, we’d be glad to help.



ColdBox Platform Evangelist
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform:

Yep yep! Thank you, I DO appreciate your responses! =)