Application.bx: Session storage cache not defined in the cache services or config


I copied and pasted the Application code here:

into my demo app.

When I run it I get this:

Session storage cache not defined in the cache services or config [false]Defined cache names are : [imports, default]

Reviewing here: Application.cfc Code Examples and CFML Documentation

should this.sessionStorage be set to memory or something else instead of true?

Once i changed it to memory, the error went away.



To confirm, did you use this code:

class{ = "My Awesome App";
    this.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan( 30, 0, 0, 0 ); //30 days
    this.sessionStorage = true;
    this.sessionTimeout = createTimeSpan( 0, 0, 60, 0 ); // 1 hour

    function onApplicationStart(){}
    function onApplicationEnd( struct applicationScope ) {}

    function onSessionStart() {}
    function onSessionEnd( struct sessionScope, struct applicationScope ) {}

    function onRequestStart( string targetPage ) {}
    function onRequest( string targetPage ) {
        include arguments.targetPage;
    function onRequestEnd() {}
    function onClassRequest( className, method, struct args) {

    function onError( any Exception, string EventName ) {}
    function onAbort( required string targetPage ) {}
    function onMissingTemplate( required string targetPage ) {}


Yes, that is correct.

I chnged the one like to this.sessionStorage = "memory";