Authentication with JWT

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to create a rest application that provides rest APIs for my UI (regardless of whether it’s built in angular, react or vue). I simply executed the below command in commandbox.
coldbox create app name=restapi skeleton=rest
This created a rest service applicaton with some of the handlers and APIs already included. and login handler is one of it.
originally these handlers related to login and authorization are using a User.cfc that extends the User.cfc from cbsecurity module.
Below is the code for that (or you can refer to this one GitHub - lmajano/hmvc-presso-demo: The demo application for the Hierarchical MVC presentation on ColdBox , which is a little different than the app that get created by the command but almost similar to it)

 * Copyright since 2016 by Ortus Solutions, Corp
 * ---
 * This is a basic user object that can be used with CBSecurity.
 * It implements the following interfaces via it's delegates
 * - cbsecurity.interfaces.jwt.IJwtSubject
 * - cbsecurity.interfaces.IAuthUser
	accessors     ="true"
	delegates     ="

	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Properties
	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	property name="id";
	property name="firstName";
	property name="lastName";
	property name="username";
	property name="password";
	property name="permissions";
	property name="roles";

	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Validation constraints
	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	this.constraints = {
		firstName : { required : true, size : "1..255" },
		lastName  : { required : true, size : "1..255" },
		username  : { required : true, size : "1..255" },
		password  : { required : true, size : "1..255" }

	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Validation profiles
	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	this.constraintProfiles = { "update" : "firstName,lastName,username" };

	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Mementifier Serialization
	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	this.memento = {
		// Default properties to serialize
		defaultIncludes : [
		// Default Exclusions
		defaultExcludes : [],
		// Never Include
		neverInclude    : [ "password" ]

	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Population Control
	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	this.population = {
		include : [], // if empty, tries to include them all
		exclude : [ "permissions", "roles" ] // These are not mass assignable

	 * Constructor
	function init(){          = "";
		variables.firstName   = "";
		variables.lastName    = "";
		variables.username    = "";
		variables.password    = "";
		variables.permissions = [];
		variables.roles       = [];

		return this;

	 * Set roles into the object
	 * @roles array or list of roles
	User function setRoles( roles ){
		if ( isSimpleValue( arguments.roles ) ) {
			arguments.roles = listToArray( arguments.roles );
		variables.roles = arguments.roles;
		return this;

	 * Set permissions into this object
	 * @permissions array or list of permissions
	User function setPermissions( permissions ){
		if ( isSimpleValue( arguments.permissions ) ) {
			arguments.permissions = listToArray( arguments.permissions );
		variables.permissions = arguments.permissions;
		return this;

	 * Verify if this is a valid user or not
	boolean function isLoaded(){
		return ( !isNull( ) && len( ) );


I am trying to modify some of the functions in the UserService (hmvc-presso-demo/models/UserService.cfc at master · lmajano/hmvc-presso-demo · GitHub) , to use the User data from database instead of the mockuser (mockuser follows the same pattern as above user model). Now the problem is I am getting “An exception ocurred: The getId method was not found.” whenever I am trying to run the login handler.
I guess the jwtAuth().attempt( rc.username, rc.password ); is still referring to the above mentioned User and it’s properties. Is there any way to customize it so the jwtAuth doesn’t refer to the user properties mentioned in modules\cbsecurity\models\auth\User.cfc.
Can I modify this file to match the model of User data in DB or should I leave it as it is since it’s a part of the cbsecurity library.
Any suggestion/advice is helpful and most welcome.

Unless you want to completely re-implement your own versions of the JWT authentication service and the standard authentication service, you will need to implement the methods in your User model and User service outlined in the docs: