Couple of things here that might be worth checking out.
Now, I’m SURE some of this is an issue with the default Contentbox template.
Inserting image into blog post, you’ll see the “lorem ipsum” text there. When you first open the dialog, it’s there, after you “Browse server…” choose an image, it’s still there. But I don’t think it shows up in the content editor nor the content output. Not sure what it is, why it’s there or what’s going on.
Now, I have set a Featured Image on the blog post, but the ONLY place it shows up is in the admin post editor.
It doesn’t show on any post list (like this “General” tag filter):
(Both of these posts have a Featured Image set.)
My bigger concern is that I’m not seeing it, either, in the RSS feed:
I’m looking to Contentbox to be a better, faster, more manageable replacement for Wordpress. I know the Featured Image is very important. Perhaps it doesn’t ever come up in the RSS feed, unsure. I know of another blog that does not have it, as well. (No idea of back-end for it.) But I do know it should come up in the post-detail screen. Maybe it’s because this is a 3.0 template and feature images were added in a later version?
I’ll have to try to create a theme, anyway, to mix in with the current site, so…I’m sure I can find it in the CFC’s when I go to do the output. Hopefully.
Just wanted, again, to bring this to the team’s attention.