Boxlang.json - enable both CF and lucee

What is the expectation when I enable compat for both lucee and CF in boxlang.json, eg:

    "modules" : {
        "compat" : {
            "disabled" : false,
            "settings" : {
                "isAdobe" : true,
                "isLucee" : true

What happens when there is contradictory behaviour on both platforms?

The only place either of those settings are used ATM is here

Setting isAdobe will create the server.coldfusion struct.
Setting isLucee will create the server.lucee struct and the server.coldfusion struct.

The idea is we’ll add more, but for now that’s all they do.

So in conclusion, the user needs to turn one off basically for now. I will make sure I note this in the docs.

Based on the code @bdw429s posted, it isn’t clear in which order those intercepters run, so it isn’t clear which setting would take precedence (which I think is the heart of what @adamcameron was asking?), so this seems like an error-prone way to have the settings.

Just as the "disabled": false setting was unnatural, so too is having multiple Boolean settings that are not really independent.

Having something like "serverIdentity": "boxlang" (or "lucee" or "adobe") would be more natural and less error-prone.


I don’t think a setting - especially a boolean one - should only work based on special magic rules dictated opaquely and elsewhere.

If I set a boolean setting to be on (so: true). I expect it to be ON. Not “on unless some other setting at the same level of the settings hierarchy(*) is also set to [some specific value]”.

(*) eg: it would be legit to have a subsection of settings be controlled by a master “on/off”, and then if on, subsettings then come into place. That makes sense and is intuitive. This is not the case here.

I did a new stable releaes 1.1 due to a few issues to conform to beta 3.

Also, I changed the settings to what Sean suggested. It made clearer sense. Plus added validation behind the scenes as well.

engine : "adobe" or "lucee"

Internally, we still switch the boolean bits, as those are easier and faster to use. However, you now must set the engine. By default it is set to lucee

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Nice one @lmajano, cheers.