I’m working through the Adobe ColdFusion certification online course.
I am not new to ColdFusion, but am new to ColdBox.
We installed ColdBox and Derby.
One of their pages with a query is giving an error :
" The caching package is not installed.
You can install package through CLI package manager (C:/Users/lamar/.CommandBox/server/B539AB7670F70D2981CB7C380CB13C77-cf_specialist_exercices/Adobe-2021.0.13.330286/WEB-INF/cfusion/bin/cfpm.bat) by running the command : install caching."
The query is:
cfquery name=“qMovies” result=“rsltMovies” cachedwithin=“#createTimespan( 0, 0, 5, 0 )#”
I checked with listall and it says caching IS installed.
Query works fine if I take out the “cachedwithin”.
I tried installing it again (install caching) anyway and get this error:
"CommandBox:cf_specialist_exercices> install caching
× | Installing package [forgebox:caching]
| Verifying package ‘caching’ in forgebox, please wait…
Error getting ForgeBox entry [caching] The entry slug sent is invalid or does not exist |
ERROR (5.9.1+00767)
Error getting ForgeBox entry [caching]
The entry slug sent is invalid or does not exist"
I have no idea how to fix this, have searched high and low.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!