[cborm-1.0.3][ColdBox-4.1.0] Injected variable not defined in either postLoad or init

I’m getting “undefined” errors trying access injected variable in the postLoad or init function of an entity. But the variable is accessible once the entity is instantiated.

My Wirebox.cfc that maps a variable called “workflowDefinitions” for injection.

map("workflowDefinitions").toValue(xmlParse(getDirectoryFromPath(getTemplatePath()) & "config\workflows.xml")).asSingleton();

And the entity (Programme.cfc) that’s injected with “workflowDefinitions”:


writeDump(variables.workflowDefinitions); // error 1 (see below) return this; writeDump(variables.workflowDefinitions); // error 2 (see below) return variables.workflowDefinitions; // this works


error 1 = Error building: programmeService -> Element WORKFLOWDEFINITIONS is undefined in VARIABLES. with constructor arguments: {}

error 2 = coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedElementException: Element WORKFLOWDEFINITIONS is undefined in VARIABLES. Root cause :org.hibernate.HibernateException: coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedElementException: Element WORKFLOWDEFINITIONS is undefined in VARIABLES.

and the controller code
prog = programmeService.get(1); writeDump(prog.getWorkflow()); // this works

and finally the ProgrammeService.cfc:

<cfcomponent extends="coldbox.system.modules.cborm.models.VirtualEntityService"> <cffunction name="init"> <cfscript> super.init(entityName="Programme", useQueryCaching=true, defaultAsQuery=false); return this; </cfscript> </cffunction> </cfcomponent>