cbPlaywright: Global Bundle Exception

I’m having trouble getting cbPlaywright to run. When I run my tests (/tests/runner.cfm) I get the following exception. I must have missed a setup step. Any ideas?

Global Bundle Exception (3 ms)
cannot load class through its string name, because no definition for the class with the specified name [com.microsoft.playwright.Playwright$CreateOptions] could be found caused by (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:com.microsoft.playwright.Playwright$CreateOptions;java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:com.microsoft.playwright.Playwright$CreateOptions not found by lucee.core [49];)
40: variables.javaSystem.setProperty( "playwright.cli.dir", driverDir );
42: var playwrightOptions = createObject( "java", "com.microsoft.playwright.Playwright$CreateOptions" ).init();
43: variables.playwright = createObject( "java", "com.microsoft.playwright.impl.PlaywrightImpl" ).create( playwrightOptions );
44: }

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 14.32.10


	component {
		variables.modulesDir = getDirectoryFromPath('/modules/');

		this.javaSettings = {
			loadPaths = directoryList("#variables.modulesDir#/cbPlaywright/lib", true, "array", "*jar"),
			loadColdFusionClassPath = true,
			reloadOnChange = false

		this.mappings[ "/testbox" ] = "#variables.modulesDir#/testbox";
		this.mappings[ "/cbPlaywright" ] = "#variables.modulesDir#/cbPlaywright";


<cfset r = new testbox.system.TestBox(directory="tests") >



	component extends="cbPlaywright.models.PlaywrightTestCase" {

		function run() {
			describe( "home page", () => {
				it( "can visit the home page", () => {
					var browser = variables.playwright.firefox().launch();
					var page = browser.newPage();
					navigate( page, "http://" & CGI.HTTP_HOST );
					waitForLoadState( page );
					expect( page.title() ).toBe( "Welcome to my site!" );
				} );
			} );
