[CFConfig] Lucee Admin > General Access > Access Read / Access Write

Lucee admin has settings for whether a password is required to read and write admin configs. An app I work on requires that read access be open, and as of now, I have to remember to set it manually every time I (re)start the CommandBox server I use for it.

As far as I can tell, that setting can’t yet be managed by CFConfig. Is that right?

If so, is that a feature you’d consider adding?


Yeah, that sounds like something to add. I bet you could figure it out yourself and send me a pull :slight_smile: At least do put in a ticket for it so we don’t forget!


I know this is old, but was this ever solved? Would be these settings:


Look like it’s these settings

Excellent, thank you! Will add them into my local server.json. You rock, Mr. B!

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@bdw429s Yeah, I must not have done it right…



Ahh, because that is a CFConfig setting, not a server.json setting. It goes in your .cfconfig.json file. Or in a cfconfig_adminAccessRead=open env var if you just want a one-off.

Does it only kick in on NEW commandbox servers? If so, that’s my issue. It wasn’t working, so I set up a minimal new server (just server.json and .cfconfig.json) … and the settings were “open” like I wanted. (No fun that I couldn’t prove my point! Heh.)

I used the cfconfig export feature to determine the format of the ,cfconfig.json file, though, so definitely helpful.

It depends on your setup, but generally CFConfig is imported every time a server starts. If you weren’t seeing the setting getting imported, I’d have to see more information about the configration of the server. I’d guess CFConfig wasn’t importing the file. The --verbose output of a server start in CommandBox always has a dedicated section of information about what CFConfig imported.