[coldbox:14152] [coldbox-3.1.0] passing args into view bug

I believ that is a ColdFusion implicit structure bug. Declare the args as a strict outside the method call and try it. It should work.

Cf9 sucks at some implicit struts nested in method calls

ColdFusion 9.01 fixes this, but I would ask the question why did his first example work and the second when changing the order did not. Which indicates to me this is not a ColdFusion problem.

9.0.1 does not fixes all implicit struct problems, that I can guarantee you, just check out the contentbox source and you will see all the places where implicit structs on method calls just plain fails on Adobe CF. Now also, it fails on succinct calls as well. So having one call like he has works, but the second one fails, I have reproduced it in Adobe CF and the fix is to declare a local structure for the arguments. In railo, no problem

Luis F. Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp

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thanks, luis!