submittedCases = getSubmittedCaseService().newCriteria().ge(“dateout”,dateAdd(“yyyy”,-2,now()));
The following information is meant for the website developer for debugging purposes.
Error Occurred While Processing Request
Invalid CFML construct found on line 57 at column 82.
ColdFusion was looking at the following text:
The CFML compiler was processing:
- An expression beginning with getSubmittedCaseService, on line 57, column 42.This message is usually caused by a problem in the expressions structure.
- A script statement beginning with submittedCases on line 57, column 25.
- A script statement beginning with { on line 56, column 53.
- A script statement beginning with if on line 56, column 17.
- A script statement beginning with public on line 45, column 9.
The error occurred in C:\inetpub\Modules\Case\handlers\submitted\submitted.cfc: line 57
55 :
56 : if(arguments.event.isProxyRequest()){
**57 : submittedCases = getSubmittedCaseService().newCriteria().ge("dateout",dateAdd("yyyy",-2,now()));**
58 :
59 : for(var x=1;x<=submittedCases.recordCount;x++){
switching GE for isGTE, works:
submittedCases = getSubmittedCaseService().newCriteria().isGTE(“dateout”,dateAdd(“yyyy”,-2,now()));