[Coldbox 4] cbdebugger in Coldbox not outputting any debugging information


I am watching a video (https://vimeo.com/112133825) about Modules and attempted to follow along by installing cbdebugger via Commandbox.
It seems to have installed correctly and I included the settings into the Coldbox.cfc as suggested in the video, did a fwreinit=1, but I receive no output.
Also, I have found more settings in the Forgebox documentation for setting up the cbdugger and I added the configuration into Coldbox.cfc, did a fwreinit=1, but still no output at the bottom.

Am i missing something?

Thank you for your time and assistance!
Ryan Hinton

Can you show us what’s in your config?

I think this should be the correct config:



ColdBox Platform Evangelist
Ortus Solutions, Corp

E-mail: brad@coldbox.org
ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com

Hi Again Brad! I hope all is well. Thank you for assisting me!

The following is Coldbox.cfc


// Configure ColdBox Application
function configure(){

// coldbox directives
coldbox = {
//Application Setup
appName = “Your app name here”,
eventName = “event”,

//Development Settings
reinitPassword = “”,
handlersIndexAutoReload = true,

//Implicit Events
defaultEvent = “”,
requestStartHandler = “Main.onRequestStart”,
requestEndHandler = “”,
applicationStartHandler = “Main.onAppInit”,
applicationEndHandler = “”,
sessionStartHandler = “”,
sessionEndHandler = “”,
missingTemplateHandler = “”,

//Extension Points
applicationHelper = “includes/helpers/ApplicationHelper.cfm”,
viewsHelper = “”,
modulesExternalLocation = [],
viewsExternalLocation = “”,
layoutsExternalLocation = “”,
handlersExternalLocation = “”,
requestContextDecorator = “”,
controllerDecorator = “”,

//Error/Exception Handling
exceptionHandler = “”,
onInvalidEvent = “”,
customErrorTemplate = “”,

//Application Aspects
handlerCaching = false,
eventCaching = false,
proxyReturnCollection = false,

// Debugger Settings
debugger = {
// Activate debugger for everybody
debugMode = true,
// Setup a password for the panel
debugPassword = “”,
enableDumpVar = true,
persistentRequestProfiler = true,
maxPersistentRequestProfilers = 10,
maxRCPanelQueryRows = 50,
showTracerPanel = true,
expandedTracerPanel = true,
showInfoPanel = true,
expandedInfoPanel = true,
showCachePanel = true,
expandedCachePanel = false,
showRCPanel = true,
expandedRCPanel = false,
showModulesPanel = true,
expandedModulesPanel = false,
showRCSnapshots = false,
wireboxCreationProfiler = false

// custom settings
settings = {


// environment settings, create a detectEnvironment() method to detect it yourself.
// create a function with the name of the environment so it can be executed if that environment is detected
// the value of the environment is a list of regex patterns to match the cgi.http_host.
environments = {
development = “localhost”

// Module Directives
modules = {
//Turn to false in production
autoReload = true,
// An array of modules names to load, empty means all of them
include = [],
// An array of modules names to NOT load, empty means none
exclude = []

//LogBox DSL
logBox = {
// Define Appenders
appenders = {
coldboxTracer = { class=“coldbox.system.logging.appenders.ConsoleAppender” }
// Root Logger
root = { levelmax=“INFO”, appenders="*" },
// Implicit Level Categories
info = [ “coldbox.system” ]

//Layout Settings
layoutSettings = {
defaultLayout = “”,
defaultView = “”

//Interceptor Settings
interceptorSettings = {
throwOnInvalidStates = false,
customInterceptionPoints = “”

//Register interceptors as an array, we need order
interceptors = [

// flash scope configuration
flash = {
scope = “session,client,cluster,ColdboxCache,or full path”,
properties = {}, // constructor properties for the flash scope implementation
inflateToRC = true, // automatically inflate flash data into the RC scope
inflateToPRC = false, // automatically inflate flash data into the PRC scope
autoPurge = true, // automatically purge flash data for you
autoSave = true // automatically save flash scopes at end of a request and on relocations.

//Register Layouts
layouts = [
{ name = “login”,
file = “Layout.tester.cfm”,
views = “vwLogin,test”,
folders = “tags,pdf/single”

conventions = {
handlersLocation = “handlers”,
viewsLocation = “views”,
layoutsLocation = “layouts”,
modelsLocation = “models”,
eventAction = “index”

datasources = {
mysite = {name=“mySite”, dbType=“mysql”, username=“root”, password=“pass”},
blog_dsn = {name=“myBlog”, dbType=“oracle”, username=“root”, password=“pass”}



  • Development environment
    function development(){
    coldbox.customErrorTemplate = “/coldbox/system/includes/BugReport.cfm”;


Move the debugger struct out of the coldbox struct. It should be variables.debugger.



ColdBox Platform Evangelist
Ortus Solutions, Corp

E-mail: brad@coldbox.org
ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com

Another addendum
I also marked the module directive autoReload to true in Coldbox.cfc in case it was not reloading correctly.

It worked, thank you, Brad!

Btw, I placed the debugger struct in the Coldbox struct because when watching the video it looked like Luis was placing it into the Coldbox struct by appending the following to the end of the struct:

… debugMode = true, debugPassword = “”}

I may have misread where he was placing it in the video.

Thank you, again!
Ryan Hinton