[Coldbox 6.4.0] Overriding Module Config Setting (Solved)

I’m having a hard time overriding a module’s setting using /config/coldbox.cfc. Every time I go into the module and dump out it’s settings I don’t see the overridden value. I must be missing something simple. Here’s what I’m trying to do:
I created a tracked “admin” module in modules_app. The module works and I can browse it by going to /admin/ in the browser.
I have the following in my /modules_app/admin/ModuleConfig.cfc

function configure(){
    settings = {   
        posts = {
            enabled = true

I want to override the posts.enabled value in the app so when I visit /admin/ the value of posts.enabled will be false. I have the following in my /config/coldbox.cfc:

moduleSettings = {
    admin: {
        posts: {
            enabled: false

I added the following debug output to my Main layout inside the “admin” module’s homepage (/admin/)
<cfdump var="#getModuleSettings( "admin" )#" /><cfabort>
I still see that posts.enabled has a value of true.

I also tried injecting the module settings in a handler but received the same result
property name=“settings” inject=“coldbox:modulesettings:admin”;

These are the docs I’m working from for reference:

Do you see something critical I’m missing?

I am posting this for anyone else that runs into this problem. The issue was that my module was using a custom namespace. If you want to override a module’s settings, you have to match the namespace in your /config/coldbox.cfc file.

Here’s an example:
// Module’s ModuleConfig.cfc

this.modelNamespace = "cms";

function configure(){
    settings = {   
        posts = {
            enabled = true

// /config/coldbox.cfc

moduleSettings = {
    cms: {  // <-- this MUST match the namespace, not the module name
        posts: {
            enabled: false

Here’s the line from the docs that were hidden from me in plain sight [facepalm]:

ColdBox will look for a struct inside the moduleSettings struct of your config/ColdBox.cfc with a key equal to your module’s this.modelNamespace

Hopefully, this helps others!