[Coldbox 6.4] Error building: DebuggerService@cbdebugger

I’m getting the following afer loading the cbDebugger v3 module:

Error building: DebuggerService@cbdebugger → The version method was not found.

This is on a clean app ( I used the 60 min quickstart app). Then added the cbDebugger module. This happens on both Lucee and Adobe 2018. I’m running this through Commandbox.

Lucee gives me the following:

Lucee Error (Builder.BuildCFCDependencyException)
Message Error building: DebuggerService@cbdebugger → No matching Method/Function for Runtime.version() found
Detail DSL: , Path: cbdebugger.models.DebuggerService,
Error Location:

Adobe gives this:

Error building: DebuggerService@cbdebugger → The version method was not found.

DSL: , Path: cbdebugger.models.DebuggerService, Error Location: C:/Apache24/htdocs/quickStart2/modules/cbdebugger/models/DebuggerService.cfc:88

Below is the systen and java settings from Adobe 2018 cfide:

Server Details
Server Product ColdFusion
Version 2018,0,11,326016
Edition Developer
Operating System Windows 10
OS Version 10.0
Update Level /C:/CommandBox/server/26D9C133913B08CB079F27979884A24F-quickStart2/adobe-2018.0.11.326016/WEB-INF/cfusion/lib/updates/chf20180011.jar
Adobe Driver Version 5.1.4 (Build 0001)

JVM Details
Java Version 1.8.0_202
Java Vendor AdoptOpenJdk
Java Vendor URL https://adoptopenjdk.net/
Java Home C:\CommandBox\jre
Java File Encoding Cp1252
Java Default Locale en_US
File Separator \
Path Separator ;
Line Separator Chr(13)
User Name braines
User Home C:\Users\braines
User Dir C:\Apache24\htdocs\quickStart2
Java VM Specification Version 1.8
Java VM Specification Vendor Oracle Corporation
Java VM Specification Name Java Virtual Machine Specification
Java VM Version 25.202-b08
Java VM Vendor Oracle Corporation
Java VM Name OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Java Specification Version 1.8
Java Specification Vendor Oracle Corporation
Java Specification Name Java Platform API Specification
Java Class Version 52.0

I do have java 1.8.202 loaded on my machine. Could that be causing the problem?


I’ve have done some more troubleshooting. Here is a dump of the java.lang.runtime object I get from CF2018.

As you can see there is no version() method. I get the same dump if I’m in Lucee.

When I dump from a regular server install of CF, I do get the verstion() method.

I’m not sure my next steps in troubleshooting. I’ve tried starting CF in commandbox with a different java version, but the same results.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


I think I figured it out. It looks to be a java issue. I have the non-JRE version of commandbox, When I originally downloaded commandbox, I was running 1.8.0_202. (My machine is currently 1.8.0_261). I did a fresh install of commandbox that included the JRE and everything worked.

I can probably get rid of my local install of java. I can’t think of anything that i use it for.

That was interesting.

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