Coldbox with samples, Mac/El Capitan

Can someone give me the exact process for installing ColdBox on Mac/El Capitan, using CommandBox?

I am trying to get the sample applications at this url to work on my system:

I was hoping to install them all in /Volumes/Storage/Sites/coldbox-examples and run from there using the built-in Lucee server.

Is it possible to do it all entirely from the CommandBox app, without downloading any zip files? If not, i need to know the exact process, because I originally unzipped the contents of the downloaded sample zip file into that directory, but couldn’t get it to work. I don’t recall the error offhand (sorry… rookie move), but after the error I tried just doing this in CommandBox but it didn’t work:

(from inside “/Volumes/Storage/Sites/coldbox-examples”):

install ColdBox samples

I got some basic directory structure with that, but no sample apps.

DISREGARD. The command from the empty directory should be install ColdBox/coldbox-samples