I ran the following with CommandBox v3.0.0+00273.
box install commandbox-docbox
When I try to use it I get this error.
invalid component definition, can’t find compnent [docbox.DocBox]
It appears the DocBox dependency was not installed along with docbox command. Thoughts?
It worked after manually putting the DocBox directory here .CommandBox\cfml\modules\commandbox-docbox\docbox but I thought it should automatically install since that is listed as a dependency.
it should. Will confirm with brad.
Can you please show the full console output of the original install?
/ ____| | | _ \
___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ | | |) | _____ __
/ _ | ’ _ \| '_
_ \ / | '_ \ / _
| _ < / _ \ / /
| () | | | | | | | | | | | (| | | | | (| | |) | () > <
_____/|| || ||| || ||_,|| ||_,|___/ ___//_\ v3.0.0+00273
Welcome to CommandBox!
Type “help” for help, or “help [command]” to be more specific.
CommandBox:System32> install commandbox-docbox
Installing package [forgebox:commandbox-docbox]
Verifying package ‘commandbox-docbox’ in ForgeBox, please wait…
Verified entry in ForgeBox: ‘commandbox-docbox’
Starting download of: ‘commandbox-docbox’…
Redirecting to: ‘https://github.com/Ortus-Solutions/commandbox-docbox/archive/master.zip’…
Redirecting to: ‘https://codeload.github.com/Ortus-Solutions/commandbox-docbox/zip/master’…
Shell will be reloaded after installation.
C:\Users\jason.CommandBox\cfml/box.json updated with dependency.
Installing to: C:\Users\jason.CommandBox\cfml\modules/commandbox-docbox
→ 8 File(s) Installed
→ 0 File(s) ignored
Eureka, ‘commandbox-docbox’ has been installed!
Ahh, thanks for reporting this. It turns out we had invalid JSON in our box.json for that repo so it wasn’t picking up the dependency. I added a warning to the console output so if that happens again it will be more obvious.
Please clear your artifacts cache and try reinstalling again:
artifacts clean --force
install commandbox-docbox --force