Commandbox Scaffolding: Error cloning github repository

Thought I’d try scaffolding for the first time. When I ran it again, I did NOT get any of the errors below, just … working stuff, I guess. The new scaffolded site does boot up, correctly, it seems.


This was the error that I received. (Actual text (vs. image) for entire run below this image)

CommandBox:mqtt> version
CommandBox 5.9.1+00767
CommandBox:mqtt> coldbox create app
 × | Creating App [My ColdBox App]
   | × | Installing package [forgebox:cbtemplate-advanced-script]
   |   |-----------------------------------------------------------------------
   |   | Verifying package 'cbtemplate-advanced-script' in forgebox, please wait...
   |   | Installing version [7.3.0+27].
   |   | Verified entry in forgebox: 'cbtemplate-advanced-script'
   |   | Downloading entry from forgebox.
   |   | Deferring to [https] endpoint for forgebox entry [cbtemplate-advanced-script]...
   |   | Downloading [HTTPS://
   |   | Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20231209T033249Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=e62b8789cd896d8506e0e625ccf49d10909d2858f3c6ac7a88cfe70057d0c4ef
   |   | Decompressing...
   |   | Storing download in artifact cache...
   |   | Done.
   |   | Installing to: C:/Websites/mqtt/
   |   | -> 68 File(s) Installed
   |   | -> 0 File(s) ignored
   |   | Eureka, 'cbtemplate-advanced-script' has been installed!
   |   |-----------------------------------------------------------------------
   |   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:coldbox@^7.0.0]
   |   |   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:cbproxies@^1.0.1+13]
   |   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:testbox@^5.0.0]
   |   |   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:cbstreams@^2.0.0]
   |   |   |   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:cbproxies@^1.0.0]
   |   |   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:mockdatacfc@^3]
   |   |   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:globber@^3.1.3]
   |   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:commandbox-dotenv@*]
   |   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:commandbox-cfconfig@*]
   |   | × | Installing package [forgebox:commandbox-cfformat@*]
   |   |   | > Error cloning github repository
   |   |   |------------------------------------------------------------------
   |   |   | Verifying package 'commandbox-cfformat' in forgebox, please wait...
   |   |   | Installing version [0.19.0].
   |   |   | Verified entry in forgebox: 'commandbox-cfformat'
   |   |   | Deferring to [github] endpoint for forgebox entry [commandbox-cfformat]...
   |   |   | Using branch [v0.19.0]
   |   |   | Cloning Git URL []
   |   |   |------------------------------------------------------------------

ERROR (5.9.1+00767)

Error cloning github repository

javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider for class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory cannot be createdjava.lang.RuntimeException: Provider for class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory cannot be createdjava.util.ServiceConfigurationError: javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory: Error accessing configuration C:\Users\Capta\AppData\Local\Temp\ (The system cannot find the file specified)
\system\endpoints\Git.cfc: line 132
130:                            } while( !isNull( theRealJavaException ) )
132:                            throw( message="Error cloning #getNamePrefixes()# repository", detail="#deepMessage#",  type="endpointException");
133:                    }
called from \system\endpoints\Github.cfc: line 22
called from \system\endpoints\ForgeBox.cfc: line 544
called from \system\endpoints\ForgeBox.cfc: line 61
called from \system\services\PackageService.cfc: line 109
called from \system\services\PackageService.cfc: line 633
called from \system\modules_app\coldbox-commands\commands\coldbox\create\app.cfc: line 110
called from \system\services\CommandService.cfc: line 443
called from \system\services\CommandService.cfc: line 225
called from \system\Shell.cfc: line 865
called from \system\Shell.cfc: line 680
called from \system\Bootstrap.cfm: line 165

To enable full stack trace, run config set verboseErrors=true


Never seen this error before. I would suspect a permissions error, possibly related to writing to the tmp folder. I’d check the C:\Users\Capta\AppData\Local\Temp\ and see if it’s legit and has permissions granted to the user runnning box.

My entire terminal in which Commandbox runs is under the Administrator account.

It does exist:

…and has Full Control for SYSTEM, Administrators and my user account.

(I’m not really looking for a solution, just bringing it to y’all’s attention.)

I would recommend bringing it to the attention of the Java XML library that threw the error. That error isn’t coming from any of the CommandBox source code. Though, I suspect it isn’t a bug, but a configuration issue. No one else has ever encountered this that I can recall so it’s got to be something specific to your setup.

What version of Java is the CLI using? Run the info command to find out.

CommandBox:_Scratch> info

*                                         About CommandBox                                         *
*                                                                                                  *
*                                                                                                  *
*  CommandBox Version: 5.9.1+00767                                                                 *
*  CommandBox Authors: Brad Wood, Luis Majano, Denny Valiant                                       *
*  CommandBox Binary   C:\Development\Servers\CommandBox\box.exe                                   *
*  CommandBox Home     C:\Users\Capta\.CommandBox                                                  *
*  CFML Engine:        Lucee                                                                       *
*  CFML Version: stable (Gelert)                                                     *
*  Java Version:       11.0.20 (Eclipse Adoptium)                                                  *
*  Java Path:          C:\Development\Servers\CommandBox\jre\bin\java.exe                          *
*  OS Username         Capta                                                                       *
*  JLine Terminal                       *
*  Runwar Version      4.8.5 (C:\Users\Capta\.CommandBox\lib\runwar-4.8.5.jar)                     *
*                                                                                                  *
*                                                                                                  *