CommandBox update module

how does commandbox update a module install if it has changed? or how do i tell commandbox to update a module or the coldbox system if it has change?

Eventually we’ll implement an “update” command. In the mean time do this:

uninstall foo
install foo

Or this:

install foo --force

Note: right now ForgeBox 1.0 can only have a single version of a project so that’s what you’ll get. In our coming ForgeBox 2.0 rewrite, project authors will have multiple versions (like and you’ll be able to update using semvar operators.



ColdBox Platform Evangelist
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform:

gotcha! thanks!!! i’m having fun with CB4 [BE] & converting my apps over!

Has there been any discussion about overwriting/preserving ModuleConfig.cfc?
I wouldn’t want an update to wipe out my config changes. Something like how apt-get / opkg / etc linux package managements ask “do you want to overwrite xyz config with package maintainers version (y/n)?” On ‘no’ the package maintainers version of ModuleConfig is saved as ModuleConfig.txt or something.

Good question Don. My thought on it is this-- you should never have to update a 3rd-party module’s files. If you look at all the ColdBox Core modules ( you’ll see that there are defaults set in ModuleConfig and then they read settings out of your parent app’s ColdBox.cfc to override. That way you can uninstall and reinstall at any time and not worry about blowing anything away.

Here’s an example:

And more to the point, I’m trying to convince Luis to adopt a convention to allow any modules’ settings to be overridden by the parent app without any code necessary on behalf of the module author by simply creating the right structs in your ColdBox config. See this ticket that I entered in September:

Please vote or comment if you would find this useful.

Also, I forgot to mention this earlier, but don’t forget about our CommandBox Google group here:!forum/commandbox



ColdBox Platform Evangelist
Ortus Solutions, Corp

ColdBox Platform:

Excellent, a great way to handle it. Voted.