For a few days now, I’ve been having issues validating the “Server Home” path within VS Code - Adobe Coldfusion Builder Extension when the path is using a Commandbox server. Here is the full path I’m using on my end:
Is there anyone else running into a similar problem with the newly deployed VS Code Adobe Coldfusion extension? Has anyone found a solution to this issue?
same error. I was able to test with an Adobe Coldfusion installation and it does work fine and defaults to the “/cfusion” folder. Could it be the “.” in the “.CommandBox” path?
Hard to say, I’d reach out to Adobe and see if they can confirm the correct path or provide additional information as to why its not working. I know other people have gotten this working.
I realize this is old, but people may find it searching for the solution. It’s that CFBuilder’s check of that server home folder looks for it to include a jvm.config file in the bin folder under that server home…which commandbox does not have.
If you just create an empty jvm.config in that WEB-INF\cfusion folder (see the original post here), that will allow CFB to let you get past that screen. (Commandbox won’t be bothered by it, and since folks would rarely look into that folder it shouldn’t confuse too many humans. )
If Brad or anyone might offer a point of contention on that, do let us know.
Excellent information, Charlie! I don’t understand why Adobe would have forgotten about J2E installations of ColdFusion, but creating that file would not cause any issues for CommandBox-- and of course, the file would not be used for anything.
When this topic came up today at IntoTheBox '24, I happened to notice that this thread is not found via web searches for the error shown in the original screenshot from the OP, AIS. Doh! It’s only there as the image. So here it is in text: Invalid server home
Hopefully that may (in time) help folks more readily find this via web searches or from our internet overlords…er, I mean, AI chatbots.
Perhaps more important (since it seems I can’t edit that post I wrote last year which was marked as the “solution”): note that the empty jvm.config file needs to be created in the WEB-INF\cfusion\bin (I referred to the word bin but didn’t show it in the path. Sorry.)