Contentbox 6 installation - password authentication failed (postgresql)


I would like to add another entry regarding Contentbox 6 installation error, but this time with Postgresql database and upgraded contentbox-cli 1.6.0, Windows 10 and Commandbox 5.9.1.

Additionally i have also posted other similar problems with previous version of Contentbox-cli 1.5.2 and Commandbox 5.9.x to your #contentbox Slack Channel with Windows 10/8.1 and of course postgresql database.

I attach you several screenshots for your reference, unfortunately there is no log file and cfmigrations json file (similar to previous entry).

    "contentbox": {
        "manager": "cfmigrations.models.QBMigrationManager",
        "migrationsDirectory": "modules/contentbox/migrations/",
		"seedsDirectory": "tests/resources/seeds/",
        "properties": {
            "defaultGrammar": "AutoDiscover@qb",
			"schema" : "${DB_DATABASE}",
            "migrationsTable": "cfmigrations",
            "connectionInfo": {
				"connectionString": "${DB_CONNECTIONSTRING}",
                "class": "${DB_CLASS}",
                "username": "${DB_USER}",
                "password": "${DB_PASSWORD}",
                "bundleName": "${DB_BUNDLENAME}",
                "bundleVersion": "${DB_BUNDLEVERSION}"
	"default": {
        "manager": "cfmigrations.models.QBMigrationManager",
        "migrationsDirectory": "resources/database/migrations/",
		"seedsDirectory": "resources/database/seeds/",
        "properties": {
            "defaultGrammar": "AutoDiscover@qb",
			"schema" : "${DB_DATABASE}",
            "migrationsTable": "cfmigrations_app",
            "connectionInfo": {
				"connectionString": "${DB_CONNECTIONSTRING}",
                "class": "${DB_CLASS}",
                "username": "${DB_USER}",
                "password": "${DB_PASSWORD}",
                "bundleName": "${DB_BUNDLENAME}",
                "bundleVersion": "${DB_BUNDLEVERSION}"
