April 20, 2023, 9:51pm
Is there a module for creating a forgotten password workflow/handler? I’ve done searches but have not found anything that fits.
Seems silly to reinvent the wheel if it has already been done!
Not that I am aware, but you are welcome to look at the way we handle for the stachebox module in these two reset methods here and feel free to implement: stachebox/Authentication.cfc at development · coldbox-modules/stachebox · GitHub
April 21, 2023, 5:55am
Thanks Jon! Very helpful…
We also have the one in ContentBox, even though that’s more complex as it has two factor auth.
* ContentBox - A Modular Content Platform
* Copyright since 2012 by Ortus Solutions, Corp
* ---
* Our contentbox security service must match our interface: ISecurityService
component singleton {
// Dependencies
property name="authorService" inject="authorService@contentbox";
property name="settingService" inject="settingService@contentbox";
property name="siteService" inject="siteService@contentbox";
property name="cacheStorage" inject="cacheStorage@cbStorages";
property name="cookieStorage" inject="cookieStorage@cbStorages";
property name="requestStorage" inject="RequestStorage@cbstorages";
property name="mailService" inject="mailService@cbmailservices";
property name="renderer" inject="coldbox:renderer";
property name="CBHelper" inject="CBHelper@contentbox";
property name="log" inject="logbox:logger:{this}";
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