Fullcalendar module

I would like to ask you if anyone has used before cbmodule-fullcalendar on Contentbox running Coldbox 7 without a problem.
Unfortunately i have met several issues from getModel is deprecated to key does not exist in admin layout especially when i try to create a new calendar.


I also share my box.json. Sorry for saying Coldbox 7 beforehand!

    "name":"ContentBox Modular CMS Installer",
    "author":"Ortus Solutions <info@ortussolutions.com>",
    "shortDescription":"A ColdBox site configured and deployed with ContentBox CMS",
    "keywords":"cms,content management,modular cms",
        "Joel Watson <existdissolve@gmail.com>",
        "Brad Wood <bdw429s@gmail.com>",
        "Curt Gratz <gratz@computerknowhow.com>"
        "contentbox:migrate":"migrate up migrationsDirectory=modules/contentbox/migrations",
        "contentbox:migrate:up":"run-script contentbox:migrate",
        "contentbox:migrate:down":"migrate down migrationsDirectory=modules/contentbox/migrations",
        "install:2021":"!cfpm install zip,orm,mysql,postgresql,sqlserver,document,feed"