Getting started

I am trying to set up DocBox and capture some docs for some exsting CFCs. I downloaded and mapped the repo, and I can get it to run, however even though the doc files get created, there is nothing in them - just empty templates.

Here is my configuration:

docbox = new docbox.DocBox( properties={
projectTitle = “API Docs”,
outputDir = expandPath( “/mydocs” )
} );

source = expandPath( “/approot/modules/v1/models” )

Inside the /approot/modules/v1/models folder I added the proper annotation at the beginning of the CFCs:


  • @doc_abstract true
    component accessors=true {


Apologies if I am doing something silly here, but I am a newbie to DocBox.

So, moving on from that initial block, I have managed to produce some output. Just playing around with settings really, this is what I had to do:


docbox = new docbox.DocBox( properties={
projectTitle = “API Docs”,
outputDir = expandPath( “/mydocs” )
} );

source = expandPath( “/approot/modules/v1/models” ),



And I didn't need to have any annotations in my CFCs. It just picked up everything in that folder.

It now seems to nest things in too many layers:


The mapping requires the source path. You must declare them both. Have you seen the samples?

Luis Majano
Ortus Solutions, Corp
P/F: 1-888-557-8057
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Luis, yes I have and I got it to work - thanks!
I am seeing a lot of nesting though, on the left hand side of the frameset though (in the root search), like I showed above. Have you seen that before?

No I have not. Maybe Brad can comment

Never seen that myself. Perhaps you can do some debugging inside of Docbox and see what’s happening.

I also see a lot of nesting on the left hand side. Anybody figure out how to fix this yet?

I downloaded the most recent version from github and the issue went away. Have you tried that?

Oh thank you! I must’ve used a different source to download it. That worked perfectly.