init(); in the object.

I was looking at this link and it mentions to put INIT(); into the object so when ever you create the object it would auto init();

So if I do this below as my employeeService and


  • Employee Service
  • @accessors true
    component employeeService output=“false” {



  • init
    function init() output=“false” {
    var oEmployee = createObject(‘component’, ‘testObjects.model.employee.employee’).init();
    return oEmployee;


My Employee Object


  • Employee
  • @accessors true
    component employee output=“false” extends=“testObjects.model.user.user” {
    properties */
    property name=“rank” type=“string”;


  • init
    function init() output=“false” {
    return this;


and then in my test page put this call to it.

session.oEmployeeService = createObject('component', 'testObjects.model.employee.employeeService');

Am I misunderstanding or shouldn’t it auto init?

I even copied their code.

<cfset init()>

<cfset session.myCart = createObject(“component”,“testObjects.model.shoppingCart”)>

It still does not seem to work.

The init() does not work with CreateObject.

Also in ColdFusion 9 when doing myObject - new component(); it will auto init and there is no need for the init()…

Hope that helps.

Sorry I should have said auto init() doesn’t work with CreateObject

Okay I made changes and I am getting closer What am I doing wrong now?

I want to initialize the employeeService which then will give me the employee Object with all of the extended properties?

session.oEmployeeService = new model.employee.employeeService();

What is the problem?

Your code should dump the object that was returned… You not seeing this?

Your init() method should return a reference to the object instance
being initialized, i.e. 'this'. So:

function init() {
    var oPerson = new model.person.person();
    return this;


function init() {
    var oPerson = new model.person.person();
    return oPerson;

I am trying to get it where when I create employee it extends, user and user Extends person.

so if I have in employee property department and in user property userId and in person property personId…

Then when I do

session.oEmployeeService = new model.employee.employeeService();

and I dump the session, I should see the object with all three properties.

also when using

var oPerson = new model.person.person();

Not only dont you need the init method, but the return this is also not needed.

This is ColdFusion 9 only too.