jansi-XXX-libjansi.so: failed to map segment from shared object

Hi all

this is my stack:

CommandBox Version: 5.4.2+00453
CFML Engine: Lucee
CFML Version: stable (Gelert)
Java Version: 11.0.14 (Ubuntu)
Java Path: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java
OS Username root
JLine Terminal org.jline.terminal.impl.PosixSysTerminal
Runwar Version 4.5.2 (/root/.CommandBox/lib/runwar-4.5.2.jar)

Starting CommadnBox I get this error:

root@server:/var/wwwroot# box
Failed to load native library:jansi-2.3.2-77fdf64ca7bda556-libjansi.so. osinfo: Linux/x86_64
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/jansi-2.3.2-77fdf64ca7bda556-libjansi.so: /tmp/jansi-2.3.2-77fdf64ca7bda556-libjansi.so: failed to map segment from shared object

Commadbox seems to work well anyway…

I read this on Docs: Common Errors
but it doesn’t seem like the same error.

My /tmp directory has got 777 permissions.

I hope I was helpful

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This error is coming from the JLine Java library we use. I don’t really know what it means other than a native lib wasn’t loaded for some reason. Can you do me a favor and test the bleeding edge version of CommandBox 5.5? I’ve updated the JLine Java library and I’m curious if you’ll still get the issue on the latest version.


If so, this sort of thing is usually fixed by installing some missing packages into Linux that have the missing .so libs. If the latest version doesn’t work, we can hit up the issue tracker for the Jline library and ask for more help there.

i try but without success.

there is now an extra message about reflect:

root@server:/var/wwwroot2# box

WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance.
Failed to load native library:jansi-2.3.2-f238eb06fcbfdf3e-libjansi.so. osinfo: Linux/x86_64
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/jansi-2.3.2-f238eb06fcbfdf3e-libjansi.so: /tmp/jansi-2.3.2-f238eb06fcbfdf3e-libjansi.so: failed to map segment from shared objec

I try with:

apt-get install libjansi-java

without success


This is unrelated and you can ignore it.

I would post here and ask if they can help:

That is the Java lib the error is coming from. (Well, I think it’s actually coming from the JANSI lib, but that’s a dependency of JLine).

CommandBox 5.5 is using jline-3.21.0.jar which is the latest version.

If you need more information I’m at your disposal.


Did you post an issue to the JLine issue tracker? I don’t see one.

Sorry Brad, I thought you did.
I got this :slight_smile:

Give me some time.

Since the issue is likely related to the native modules installed on your computer or the terminal in use, I’ve found it’s easier for you to have the conversation directly with their devs :slight_smile:

done :sun_with_face:

Well-worded question! We’ll see what they say. I’m hoping it’s something simple,

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I’m following the progress of the issues.
Thanks Brad :blush:

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