JS error on ForgeBox

Luis, when I navigate to ForgeBox (http://coldbox.org/forgeBox) using IE 8, get the following two JS errors:

Object expected js&f=prototype16-min.js,common.js,widget.js,countdown.js&v=7, line 440 character 193

defaultFieldMessages[‘eventName’]=gettext(“Attend This Event”)

Object doesn’t support this property or method js&f=prototype16-min.js,common.js,widget.js,countdown.js&v=7, line 598 character 306

var StandardTimeZone=new Date().stdTimezoneOffset()

In FireFox 10, I get the following errors:

gettext is not defined http://www.eventbrite.com/min/?b=static/js&f=prototype16-min.js,common.js,widget.js,countdown.js&v=7 Line 440

(new Date).stdTimezoneOffset is not a function http://www.eventbrite.com/min/?b=static/js&f=prototype16-min.js,common.js,widget.js,countdown.js&v=7 Line 598

The stdTimezoneOffset() method is part of the Prototype framework, so perhaps all your JS librarys aren’t being included. (I didn’t see any 404’s)



Hmm Seems it is the eventbrite widgets