logBox = { ... {filePath = "/logs"} ... }

In the logBox = {} struct in /config/Coldbox.cfc, I’ve used the default filePath=“/logs”. I’ve been asked to get the log file out of the web root. How do I specify a “filePath” that is elsewhere on the disk?

logBox = {
	appenders = {

    debug = {class      = "RollingFileAppender"
            ,properties = {filePath        = "/logs"
                          ,fileName        = "debug"
                          ,autoExpand      = true
                          ,fileMaxSize     = 2000
                          ,fileMaxArchives = 5
               		        ,async           = true       // Log asynchronously
  root = {levelmax  = "INFO"   //
         ,levelmin  = "INFO"   //
           ,appenders = "*"      // Could just be "ConsoleAppender" (*=all)
		info = [ "coldbox.system" ]  // Implicit Level Categories